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18th BSH Annual Autumn Meeting

British Society for Heart Failure (BSH)
26.11.2015 - 27.11.2015  Queen Elizabeth II Centre, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London SW1P 3EE, United Kingdom
Conference themes
Our programme covers topical issues in the area of heart failure. Our faculty usually consists of about 30–35 speakers/chairs, both national and international,and about 400–450 delegates and 20 exhibitors attend.
Target Audience
Consultant, staff grade & associate specialist doctors; general practitioners; non-medical health professionals; training grades; nurses

Enquiries and Registration:

Ms. Stephanie Edwards
General Medicine, Internal Medicine, Palliative Care, Rehabilitation
Credit Points
12 CME
Congress fees
GBP 175,00
Participants expected
700 - 750
Organizer contact info
Nought The Farthings
OX13 6QD Marcham
United Kingdom
"Going International promotes access to education and training for all regardless of social, geographic and national borders."

Helix - Forschung & Beratung WienAMREF - African Medical and Research FoundationAnästhesie in Entwicklungsländern e. V.AGEM - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnologie und MedizinEuropean Health Forum GasteinCentro per la Formazione Permanente e l'Aggiornamento del Personale del Servizio SanitarioCenter of ExcellenceEuropean Public Health Association (EUPHA)