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ICH-GCP Training

European Centre for Clinical Research Training (ECCRT)

28.11.2013; Brussels, Brussels, Belgien

Course Content

This concise course is designed for professionals who are active in clinical research. Without training on the International Conference on Harmonisation Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP) standards, or without experience in clinical research, professionals are not always aware of the legal regulations that govern clinical studies, including post-marketing trials.

Learning objectives, training objectives

Comprehend the basics of GCP requirements in clinical research and how they are implemented - understand the fundamentals of current legal regulations and guidelines - understand the essential documents of clinical studies

Target Audience

This course is designed for everyone who wants to understand the essentials of current regulations and GCP in clinical studies

Typical postgraduate careers and job opportunities

Any position in Clinical Research


ISO 9001:2008/ Q-for

1 Tage

EUR 750,00

Enquiries and Registration

Veerle Bultinck, E-Mail:

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