5th International Conference Well-being in the Information Society
18 - 20 August 2014 in Turku, Finland
The core topic of WIS 2014 is livability and quality of (urban) living with safety and security strongly in the foreground. Among other issues secure and equal use of information resources, safe and secure work places and education institutions, cyberagression and cybersecurity as well as impact of culture on urban safety and security will be discussed. WIS 2014 will review academic contributions on the topics of intersection of health, ICT and urban way of living, all manifested in the information society context. Also industry and third-sector will be represented in the programme.
Areas of particular interest during WIS 2014 conference include, but are not limited to:
- health promotion, assessment and management in communities
- secure and equal use of information resources
- preparing for major catastrophes such as pandemic, infrastructure breakdowns and natural upheavals
- safe and secure work and education institutions
- safe living and working environments
- management of climate change and environmental pollution
- cyberaggression and cybersecurity
- management of aggression between population groups
- e- and m-Health
- information ethics
- traffic management
- safety in medicine
- policing and firefighting activities
- impact of culture on urban safety and security
Every time WIS looks for innovations and new fresh ideas in the cross-section of urban living, information society and health understood in a wide sense. The conference looks for contribution based on high-quality scientific research (research track) as well as on practical experience (industrial track). The seminar is multidisciplinary in nature and gives space for qualitative and quantitative analysis, emprirical surveys, case studies and conceptual work. The idea is to enhance information and ideas exchange. For that reason different interactive forums are part of WIS. WIS is a place for scientists and practitioners to challenge, test and develop their thinking and actions on health enhancement in urban settings.
Please take a look also at 11th Human Choice and Computers International Conference, www.hcc11.net (Turku, 30 July – 1 August 2014) and
7th European Public Health Conference, www.eupha.org/site/upcoming_conference.php, (Glasgow, 19 - 22 November 2014).

Participation fee: 350 € early birds until 01.06.2014 and 500 € after 01.06.2014
Students: 250 € early birds until 01.06.2014 and 350 € after 01.06.2014
Participants with accepted paper contributions pay the full registration fee.