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From Paper to Computer Records: Ensuring Data Quality for the Analysis (2240.15)

Universität Zürich

15.07.2015 - 17.07.2015; Bern

Course Content

After having completed this course you will be: – familiar with the basics of EpiData Software – able to create a simple data entry mask allowing for quality controlled data entry - able to computerise data - have an introduction to EpiData Analysis allowing to carry out descriptive data analysis

Target Audience

Persons who are familiar with basic concepts in epidemiology and who are or will be working in an applied research project that involves questionnaire design or paper-abstracted data

Typical postgraduate careers and job opportunities

Public Health

Type of degree
Education form
Full Time
3 days
German, English
Credit Points

1.5 ECTS - Points


CHF 1.350,00

Enquiries and Registration

Manfred Müller, E-Mail:

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