Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
In this issue you will find
the following topics:
1. Course Tip: "Master of International Health"
2. Congress Tip: "WoHIT 2010 – The World of Health IT 2010 Conference &
3. Special of the month:
"20th IUHPE World Conference on HEALTH PROMOTION"
"UCSF Masters of Science in Global Health"
4. Jobs: "Program
Best regards, Gerhard Polak,
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Master of International Health

Copenhagen School of Public Health, University of Copenhagen |
Venue: Denmark: Copenhagen
| Language: English |
Date: Academic Year
The Master of International Health focuses on public
health issues in low and middle income societies, and
includes a broad range of theory within public health,
medicine, epidemiology, anthropology, political science,
management, organization, and the studies of climate
change. Application deadline is April 2010.
More information on the programme and fees you can find
233 more courses and conferences dealing with "Public Health" can be found in the new Course Catalogue “medicine & health 2010”.
Order now!

WoHIT 2010 – The World of Health IT 2010 Conference & Exhibition

Organizer: World of Health Conference | Venue: Spain: Barcelona
| Language: English |
Date: March 15th, 2010 – March 18th,
2010 | Fees:
EUR 300 – EUR 699
Content: WoHIT 2010 will for the first time be held in conjunction with the European Union’s annual
High Level eHealth Conference. The objective is to create the largest European high level platform for stakeholders sharing the common goal of advancing eHealth in Europe.
Conference themes are eHealth for Sustainable Healthcare Delivery, eHealth Addressing Global Challenges through Local Actions, eHealth works: Here is the Evidence, eHealth Market: Past and Prospects, eHealth User Platform and many
For registration an prices click
23 more courses and conferences dealing with "Management and Information Technology" can be found in the new Course Catalogue “medicine & health 2010”.
Order now!

20th IUHPE World Conference on HEALTH PROMOTION
The conference aims to build bridges between the fields of
health promotion and sustainable development.
The thematic focus of the conference lies on “Sustainable environment and health”, Equitable and sustainable health development” and “Participatory governance”.
The conference will provide opportunities to:
• present and discuss state-of-the-art knowledge and cross-cutting issues in
health promotion
and sustainable development, • showcase and challenge best practice in health promotion, with focus
on sustainability, and
• initiate strong alliances and partnerships for promoting sound policies and
practices that
positively impact the health of people, societies and the planet.
For more details see or

UCSF Masters of Science in Global Health

The Global Health Sciences (GHS) MS degree is a one year, four-quarter program which provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary for leadership roles in global health through a multi-disciplinary curriculum and an applied global health fieldwork experience. More than 70 faculty from UCSF and UC Berkeley teach and mentor students, preparing them for careers in international health policy, health care services, education, research or development.
Application process closes March 1, 2010 for September 2010 enrollment. More information and online application you find

Programme Adviser
for the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria
and in Support of the Coordination Intersectiorelle de Lutte contre le SIDA (CISLS) in Niamey/Niger
The context
Coordination Intersectiorelle de Lutte contre les IST/VIH/SIDA (CISLS) is a governmental organisation that coordinates all activities to combat AIDS at the national level.
With about 60 employees, CISLS has six departments and representations in eight regions throughout the Niger.
Your tasks
• Supporting the national coordinator in issues related to programme management
• Supporting the institutions involved in drawing up the required terms of
reference and in implementing and monitoring activities
• Supporting the efficient drafting of the required progress reports
• Degree in health economics, social science or similar qualification
• Knowledge of the processes used by GFATM or similar funds
• Very good knowledge of French and English
• German or other EU member citizenship
You can download a detailed job description
in english or in
For further information please contact:
Andrea König Phone: +49 (0)69 719121-23