Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
In this issue you will find
the following topics:
1. Course Tip: "International Summer School 2010 - Health Issues in Humanitarian
2. Congress Tip: "11th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery"
3. Special of the month:
"Student Recruitment - Healthcare, Education and Africa"
Best regards, Gerhard Polak,
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International Summer School 2010:
Health Issues in Humanitarian Crises
Organiser/ Venue: University of Bielefeld, Germany
Date: September 7th-11th, 2010
Language: English
Programme: The Summer
School provides an introduction to a wide range of health-related issues in humanitarian crises. Besides emergency care, issues such as coordinating efforts between different agencies, improving routine health care, assessing the epidemiological situation, navigating in a difficult socio-political environment, as well as legal aspects will be covered.
Audience: Public health students and health professionals, as well as other students interested in the field of International Public Health.
Further information and application can be found on the
TIP: 36 more courses and conferences dealing with „Humanitarian Assistance“ can be found in the course catalogue „medicine & health 2010“.
Order now! Or order the new thematic edition “Humanitarian Assistance and Development Cooperation”

11th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery
With the motto "Building Bridges", this annual event of ESTES – European Society for Trauma & Emergency Surgery – aims to connect all professionals working in the fields of trauma surgery, acute care and emergency surgery, orthopaedics and allied disciplines.
Trauma care, fracture treatment, education, surgical emergencies and disasters will be covered in instructional lectures and panel discussions with international invited speakers and opinion leaders, enabling direct contact between attendants and experts.
The Scientific Programme with all details of sessions, speakers, courses and symposia is available online at
Register by
Friday, April 23rd, 2010 to be eligible for the regular fee.
You save up to EUR 90,- compared to the onsite fees, which take
effect after that date.
Mondial Congress & Events
Mondial GmbH & Co. KG
Operngasse 20b, 1040 Vienna, Austria
t + 43 1 58804-0, f –185
TIP: 60 more courses and conferences dealing with "Emergency Medicine" can be found
in the course catalogue "medicine & health 2010".
Order now!
Or order the new thematic edition "Training & Education in Interdisciplinary Fields"

Student Recruitment - Healthcare, Education and Africa
Is your Institution seeking to enroll African based Students?
Do you need a really effective means of reaching this prospective audience?
Did you know that:
1. “Africa Health” is the leading journal for health care professionals in sub Saharan Africa
2. Our May issue includes a “Special Education Review” (Copy Date of April 30th, the Review addresses Africa’s human resources for health issues, with contributions by leading international authors).
Advertise Your Courses in Africa Health's Special Education Review and instantly benefit from the Journal’s 30 years of publication by putting your Institution in front of our readership in Africa.
Advertisers’ Information Pack
Full information on distribution and circulation, details of our highly competitive advertising rates and a synopsis of the planned editorial are available by PDF Info Pack.
To receive a copy of the pack / further information, contact
Michael Hodgson-Hess at FSG Communications Ltd UK, the publishers of
“Africa Health”.
+44 (0)1638 743 633