Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
In this issue you will find
the following topics:
1. Course Tip: "Postgraduate Diploma in Poverty Reduction,
"Conflict Management, and Post-Conflict Reconstruction 2010"
2. Congress Tip: "5th World Congress of Positive Psychotherapy"
3. Special of the month:
"Medicall 2010"
Best regards, Gerhard Polak,
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Postgraduate Diploma in Poverty Reduction, Conflict Management,
and Post-Conflict Reconstruction 2010
Organizer: University of Manchester
Institute for Development Policy and Management (IDPM) /School of Environment and Development
| Venue: United Kingdom: Manchester
| Language: English
| Date: September 2010
| Fees: On request
| Content: Perspectives on development, poverty, conflict and social reconstruction, theoretical frameworks for analysis of conflict and peacebuilding, poverty
eradication, policies and practices, social development, theory, planning and practices
| Goals: Analyse the roots of conflict and ethnic strife, gain an understanding of the nature of poverty and resource distribution in the continuum from
emergency aid to reconstruction
| Audition: The programme is aimed at those dealing with poverty reduction and conflict management in aid and humanitarian agencies, NGOs and the public
| Notes: Scholarships available upon request
| Registration: Baldwin, Maggie, Tel.: +44/(0)161/275 2800-2804, E-mail:,
TIP: 31 more courses and conferences dealing with “special topics and health“ can be found in the course catalogue „medicine & health 2010“.
Order now!
Or order the thematic edition “Training & Education in Humanitarian Assistance and Development Cooperation”

5th World Congress of Positive Psychotherapy

August 2010, Istanbul
"Positive Psychotherapy in a Globalized World"
Deadline for abstract submission: August 1st, 2010
“Trans-cultural and emotional perspectives of Positive Psychotherapy in Globalization- language of world unity” - the main topic of this year's World Congress offers the opportunity to continue and strengthen the service to mankind providing psychotherapeutic concepts and competences that are both positive and transcultural.
Topics: Macro and micro trauma and diagnostics, therapeutic strategies for post-traumatic-stress-disorder, therapy and transcultural understanding, and
here to download the congress announcement.
here to download the abstract submission guidelines
TIP: 52 more courses and conferences dealing with “mental health” can be found in the course catalogue “medicine & health 2010”.
Order now!
Or order the thematic edition “Training & Education in Interdisciplinary Fields”

Medicall 2010
6th-8th August, Chennai Trade & Convention Centre, India
Medicall is the only trade event in the medical sector for end users and hospital owners, as well as the dealers.
This year's edition of Medicall is specializing in hospital management software, energy saving equipments, hospital flooring, housekeeping equipments, nurses alarm systems and
Further information can be found on the
For visitor registration click
For stall booking click