Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
In this issue you will find
the following topics:
2. Congress Tip: "2010 SASTM Travel Medicine Conference"
3. Special of the month:
"European Medicines Agency- new website!"
Best regards, Gerhard Polak,
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20th- 21st September 2010, Graz
International Association for the Surgery of Trauma and
Surgical Intensive Care (IATSIC) - an intergrated society of the Société Internationale de Chirurgie /
International Society of Surgery (SIC/ISS)
This workshop is designed to review state-of-the-art information on the diagnosis and management
of severely injured patients. The symposium provides an ideal mix of the traditional standard of care
principles with cutting edge, forward-moving practices. It explores issues related to
resuscitation and surgical technique. The workshop runs theory in the morning sessions and
“hands-on” sessions in the afternoon. The course provides in-depth and cutting-edge information in
the field of gastrointestinal and visceral injuries. The material presented will be exciting as well as
readily assimilated and applied.
Symposium director: A. Univ.Prof. Dr. S. Uranüs
Organizing Committee: OA. Dr. L. Kronberger, A. Univ.Prof. Dr. J. Pfeifer,
Dr. D. Nagele-Moser, Ass. Dr. G. Höbarth
Course language: German and English (no translation will be provided)
Course location: Universitätsklinik für Chirurgie, Auenbruggerplatz 29, 8036 Graz
Registration fee: € 850.-, for members of ESTES and IATSIC € 775.-
Registration: With the applied card or per e-Mail to
For further information click
TIP: 58 more courses and conferences dealing with “surgery” can be found in the course catalogue “medicine & health 2010”.
Order now!
Or order the thematic edition “Training & Education for Medical Specialists”

2010 SASTM Travel Medicine Conference
Date: October 15th, 2010 - October 17th, 2010
| Organiser :South African Society of Travel Medicine (SASTM)
| Venue: South Africa: Cape Town
| Language: English
| Registration: E-mail:,
The theme of the conference will afford an opportunity to present the latest relevant disease research juxtaposed to the reality of travel and working in Africa.
Presentations will be in the format of scientific symposia, workshops, travel scenarios, risk assessment, and post sessions.
The International Convention Centre is within walking distance of the Victoria Albert Waterfront with a variety of attractions and activities. It is also within walking distance from a number of excellent hotels, boutique hotels, guest houses and self catering apartments.
For further information click
here to register for the conference.
TIP: 21 more courses and conferences dealing with “travel medicine“ can be found in the course catalogue „medicine & health 2010“.
Order now!
Or order the thematic edition “Training & Education in Interdisciplinary Fields”

European Medicines Agency- new website!
The European Medicines Agency unveiled its new corporate website at
The site has been completely redesigned and rebuilt to optimize usability for the Agency’s key online audiences and build on existing activities to improve openness and transparency.
Some of the websites new features include
• Quick medicine searches: Allows you to search for human and veterinary
medicines by name and active substance and for herbal medicinal substances
by name •
Online library: Enables you to search for all Agency documents currently
online through a search on title and date published online
• Improved navigation: More intuitive labelling and improved organisation of
content so that browsing is quicker for all audience groups
• Audience landing pages: Flags information of specific value to different key users
• Online calendar and news search: Allows you to keep up to date with the
latest news and events at the Agency
• RSS feeds: Brings information straight to you as soon as it is published online
Go and visit