Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
In this issue you will find
the following topics:
1. Course Tip:
Medicine and Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspective
NIHES - Erasmus Winter Programme 2012
2. Congress Tip:
5th World Congress for
Endoscopic Surgery of the Brain, Skull Base & Spine
3. Special of the month:
„Un techo para mi Pais“
‘Good health at low cost’ 25 years on
4. Jobs
Agaplesion gAG
Personal Job Consulting
and Placement
Warm regards,
Gerhard Polak,
P.S.: You can recommend the GI-Mail

Medicine and Human Rights in Cross-cultural Perspective
February 6th – 17th, 2012, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Chaired by Oliver Human
Core Themes
• Philosophical and
Historical foundations of Human Rights •
Medical Anthropology and Human Rights •
Health as a Human Right • The
Role of Medical Professionals in assisting Asylum seekers.
• Violence, Health and Human
Rights • Public Services as
a way to advance Rights • Health
Care in Humanitarian Crises •
HIV and Human Rights in South Africa •
Researching Medicine and Human Rights
For further information about
this course please click
* * *
34 more courses and congresses dealing with "Global Health" can be found
in the new Career & Education Guide »medicine &
health 2012«.
Order the Career & Education Guide now!

NIHES - Erasmus Winter Programme 2012
January 16th – February 3rd, 2012, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
The Erasmus Winter Programme emphasizes the understanding of principles and methods of clinical research. The programme focuses on the basics common to research in clinical medicine. It also provides courses for those interested in clinical trials, in drug safety research, in decision making in clinical medicine, and in biostatistics.
A 50% discount on tuition will be granted to PhD students at universities worldwide offering research-training in medicine and the health sciences. Courses are open to anyone with a good working knowledge of English.
For further information about this course please click
* * *
35 more courses and congresses dealing with "Clinical Research" can be found
in the new Career & Education Guide »medicine &
health 2012«.
Order the Career & Education Guide now!

 5th World Congress
for Endoscopic Surgery of the Brain, Skull Base &
Spine combined with the First Global Update on FESS,
the Sinuses & the Nose
March 29 –
April 1, 2012, Vienna, Austria
The 5th World
SKULL BASE & SPINE in Vienna will deal with
the fascinating and sometimes breathtaking latest developments
of endoscopic possibilities along and through skull base,
inside the brain and spine. New achievements have been made
in all sectors, Trans Orbital NeuroEndoscopic Surgery (TONES)
being just one of them. Image guided Navigation has come
of age, providing unseen-before-accuracy; 3-D endoscopy,
magnificent HD endoscopic cameras and sophisticated instrumentation
will be on display and used during numerous live
on-stage demonstration dissections, performed by the masters
and pioneers of the speciality.
The First
Global Update on FESS, THE SINUSES &
THE NOSE It was over 25 years ago that the
first publications and consequently, courses on FESS appeared –
the beginning of an unparalleled success story. From its
humble beginnings in the 1970s to the sophisticated potential
of today's extended applications, the
First Global Update
will bring together the pioneers and today's most renowned
endoscopists, to evaluate the achievements of the last 25
years: where we have failed, where we should change or modify
our techniques. Where can we avoid surgery? Experts will
try to give the answers! Any new surgical tricks, new sophisticated
instruments, endoscopes, cameras, navigational tools? What
is the current status of balloon-based technology? Come
and see it in Vienna!
More information on the congress can be found
* * *
42 more courses and congresses dealing with “Neurosurgery” and “Bone and Joint Surgery” can be found in the new Career & Education Guide »medicine & health 2012«.
Order the Career & Education Guide now!

„Un techo para mi Pais“
Youth building a Latin America without poverty
Un Techo para mi País (TECHO) is a non-profit organization lead by college students and young professionals which aims to eradicate the extreme poverty that affects one third of the Latin American population. We work together with Latin America’s most marginalized populations in the construction of transitional houses and the implementation of social inclusion programs empowering them with tools to improve their quality of life. TECHO was created in Chile in 1997 by a group of college students. After only 14 years of existence, TECHO is already present in 19 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean, it has mobilized over 420.000 volunteers, and has built over 82.000 transitional houses. Why has grown so fast? What have been the distinctive leadership traits of this institution? What experience can the European youth that are also involved with issues of poverty and social inequality incorporate?
You can find the whole article about “Un techo para mi Pais”

health at low cost’ 25 years on What
makes a successful health system?
Balabanova, Dina; McKee, Martin and Mills,
do some low and middle income countries manage to achieve
good health outcomes while others fail? What factors drive
improvements in the health system and in access to primary
health care? How can we act on the social determinants of
health in cash-strapped economies?
These questions are as relevant today
as they were in 1985 when the Rockefeller Foundation published
what was to become a seminal report – Good health
at low cost. The report explored why some poor countries
achieved better health outcomes than others, making Good
health at low cost essential read for health systems decision-
and policy-makers alike. This new edition of Good health
at low cost 25 years on draws on a series of new case studies
from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kyrgyzstan, Tamil Nadu and Thailand
providing fresh insights into the role of effective institutions,
innovation and country ownership in catalysing improvements
in health.
“This book provides
many immediate lessons for those seeking to strengthen health
systems in low and middle income countries.”
Peter Piot,
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
“This book shows, with
clear-headed argument and solid data, that good health for
all is indeed affordable even in today’s difficult
economic times…” Gita Sen,
Institute of Management, Bangalore
Dieses Buch ist als kostenloser
Download erhältlich.

job vacancies
Medicine and nursing. With love
for life.
is a modern healthcare company consisting of the association
of social hospitals, nursing facilities and training centres.
We have set ourselves the task of uniting excellence in
medicine, nursing and management with Christian values.
And this is exactly what distinguishes us: patient-oriented
medicine and nursing according to acknowledged quality standards.
We are looking for a
senior physician and assistants for our clinics.
Physician (m/f) for the Clinic for Hand and Foot Surgery
by 01/01/2012…more
Assistant Physician (m/f) for the Clinic for Neurosurgery…more
Assistant Physician (m/f) – Psychiatry and Psychotherapy…more

you looking for a job in the medical field?
Write us an e-mail to,
we will be happy to assist you!
If you need, we can send you a CV-template
form to fill in.