Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
In this issue you will find
the following topics:
1. Course Tip:
Introduction to Clinical Research with Medical Devices
2. Congress Tip:
4th Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health in Europe
3. Special of the month:
Health Policy Action Fund (HPAF) - Call for Proposals
4. Jobs
Agaplesion gAG
Personal Job Consulting
and Placement
Warm regards,
Gerhard Polak,
P.S.: You can recommend the GI-Mail

Introduction to Clinical Research with Medical Devices
June 18th,
2012, European Centre for Clinical Research, Belgium,
Do you want to understand the rules and legislation in clinical research with medical devices? This one-day course is especially designed to let you understand European legislation, the classification and the CE marking of medical devices. You get to understand ISO14155 and safety reporting in a practical way.
This one day course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts and regulatory requirements of clinical trials with medical devices.
Topics include definition and classification of different types of medical devices, introduction to medical device regulations in Europe and in the US, the medical devices directive and the current ISO 14155 standard. Contents and requirements of the investigator’s brochure and the investigational plan will be described.
Participants will learn about the implementation of the latest directives and MEDDEVS, ruling the pathway of CE marking. In addition, an overview of the European requirements regarding safety reporting will be presented.
For further information about this course please click
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35 more courses and congresses dealing with "Clinical Research" can be found in the new Career & Education Guide »medicine & health 2012«.
Order the Career & Education Guide now!

4th Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health in Europe June 21th – June 23th, 2012, Universitą Bocconi, Milan, Italy
Facts beyond Figures. Communi-Care for Migrants and Ethnic Minorities
The European Public Health Association - EUPHA, the
CERGAS and Carlo F. Dondena Research Centres at Universitą Bocconi are pleased to present the
4th Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health in Europe to be held in Milan (21-23 June 2012).
The Conference - whose motto is
Facts beyond Figures: Communi-Care for Migrants - is the ideal forum for researchers, professionals and managers from the Health Sector, Public Administration, Private Sectors and Non-Profit Organisations from European and Mediterranean Countries.
The main target of the three-day meeting is to compare scientific results and foster best practices to counteract possible disadvantages of migrants and foreign citizens as to their health conditions and access to health services.
For this reason, the Conference will be organised in
sessions, in order to combine more traditional, well established themes with innovative topics. Furthermore, this structure will increase the value of knowledge sharing from different branches of research, all involved in the study of migrant and ethnic minority health:
• demography
• epidemiology
• sociology
• anthropology
• political science
• managerial science
Detaillierte Informationen über die Konferenz finden Sie im
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69 more courses and congresses dealing with Global Health“ & „Population Studies“ can be found in the new Career & Education Guide »medicine & health 2012«.
Order the Career & Education Guide now!

Health Policy Action Fund (HPAF) - Call for Proposals
Start: April, 2012
The Health Policy Action Fund (HPAF) invites Civil Society Organisations from 30 IHP+ countries to submit proposals for funding of health policy work at national level. The grants will fund work over an 18-month period starting in April 2012, and have a maximum of US$ 30,000 per grantee. Interested applicants are requested to visit the HPAF website at for the detailed Criteria for Selection and the proposal application forms.
We strongly encourage CSO Health Coalitions and Networks working on a broad range of health policy issues at national level to apply. The HPAF does not fund implementation of health interventions.
Background: IHP+ and Civil Society Engagement in Health Policy
IHP+ has funded a small grants scheme since in 2010, which has been managed by Oxfam under the name Health Policy Action Fund (HPAF). The HPAF aims to support southern civil society organizations, networks and coalitions to become more effectively engaged in national health policy processes.
This fund is now open to support health organisations, networks and coalitions for health policy work in 30 IHP+ countries, in 2012-13. The IHP+ countries are: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, DRC, Djibouti, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Togo, Uganda, Vietnam, and Zambia.
The Health Policy Action Fund (HPAF) will ensure a confidential, fair and equitable assessment of all proposals. The assessment will be supported by a Project Technical Committee including health policy experts from inside and outside of Oxfam.
For more information click
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94 more courses and congresses dealing with „Global Health“, „Public Health“ and "Public Health Services“ can be found in the new Career & Education Guide »medicine & health 2012«.
Order the Career & Education Guide now!

job vacancies
Medicine and nursing. With
love for life.
is a modern healthcare company consisting of the association
of social hospitals, nursing facilities and training centres.
We have set ourselves the task of uniting excellence in
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And this is exactly what distinguishes us: patient-oriented
medicine and nursing according to acknowledged quality standards.
We are looking for a
assistants for our clinics.
Senior Physician (m/f) – Center of Geriatric Medicine…more
AGAPLESION ELISABETHENSTIFT Assistant Physician (m/f) – General and Visceral Surgery…more
AGAPLESION BETHESDA KRANKENHAUS Assistant Physician (m/f) – Anesthesiology and Intensive Care …more
Assistant Physician (m/f) for the Interdisciplinary Center for Palliative Medicine …more

you looking for a job in the medical field?
Write us an e-mail to,
we will be happy to assist you!
If you need, we can send you a CV-template
form to fill in.