Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
In this issue you will find
the following topics:
1. Course Tip:
Health MSc Public Health
2. Congress Tip:
Spring Symposium 2012 -
eHealth in Proof and Practice
Child and Youth Mental Health
3. Special of the month:
Water Supply and Sanitation
in Emergencies
4. Jobs
Agaplesion gAG
Personal Job Consulting
and Placement
Warm regards,
Gerhard Polak,
P.S.: You can recommend the GI-Mail

Health MSc Public
Health Nutrition September 24,
2012, London, Great Britain
course aims to provide comprehensive training in nutrition
for global health with the choice of specialising in a number
of topics and in a range of contexts. It is an integrated
programme covering dietary, epidemiological, public health,
social and biological aspects of nutritional science. Specialist
topics include maternal and child nutrition, nutrition in
emergencies, nutrition programme planning, evaluation and
monitoring, and nutritional epidemiology.
The course attracts
graduates from many countries and various disciplines who
wish to equip themselves for global health nutrition research
and teaching, operational work in the field or community
nutrition programmes, work in public health nutrition, including
health promotion and nutrition education, and for policy
and programme planning in nutrition.
The MSc has been
designed to focus on nutritional problems in developing
countries and transitional societies.
More information
about the course can be found
* * *
69 more courses and congresses dealing with "Public Health”
and “Nutrition”, can be found in the new Career
& Education Guide »medicine & health 2012«.
Order the Career & Education Guide now!

Spring Symposium
2012 - eHealth in Proof and Practice
May 8, 2012, Basel, Switzerland
and Challenges in International Health
Years ago the concept of ”eHealth”
was discussed only in its general manifestations, but of
course, things change. The focus of the spring symposium
will be on the review of evidence and best practice of using
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’s)
to enhance health services and population health over the
past decade.
The one-day event will look at experiences
and technologies along three axes: a) the validation and
evaluation of the use of ICT’s in international health;
b) the role of openSource applications and c) the challenges
and opportunities of mobile technologies (‘mHealth’).
What works in practice:
eHealth strategies on paper and in practice; the generation
of evidence for successful ICT projects in health; obstacles
and promoters of efficient and sustainable projects; scaling-up
of pilot initiatives, regulatory challenges, etc.
openSource for eHealth:
what makes them different from commercial licences?; cross-border
development and maintenance of software; from stand alone
applications to web 2.0.
Mobile ICT solutions:
the potential of mobile connectivity; mobile applications
for enhanced service provision, applications for knowledge
More information on the congress can be
* * *
16 more courses and congresses dealing with "eHealth”,
can be found in the new Career & Education Guide »medicine
& health 2012«.
Order the Career & Education Guide now!

Child and Youth Mental Health
May 6-8, 2012, Vancouver, Canada
This conference brings together an interdisciplinary group of professionals working in the field of mental health with young people. There are three themes woven through the conferences: Family Mental Health, Children of Parents with Mental Illness and Young Carers.
The overall goal of the concurrent conferences is to help us develop a common language and understanding of the needs of young people and families. By bringing together people from diverse backgrounds we hope to enrich our collective knowledge of mental health strategies, best practices and the latest research in order to improve outcomes for young people and families. Our goal is to create at the conference a community of practice that spans the three themes where we can each share our knowledge and support while we discuss areas of mutual interest and concern.
More information on the congress
can be found
* * *
57 more courses and congresses dealing with "Mental Health”,
can be found in the new Career & Education Guide »medicine
& health 2012«.
Order the Career & Education Guide now!

Water Supply
and Sanitation in Emergencies
9 May – 3 June, 2012
identification of technically sound and sustainable water
and sanitary interventions is crucial when it comes to saving
lives and preventing diseases in almost any disaster situation.
Experience gathered during recent disaster
operations demonstrates the urgent need for highly skilled
professionals with specialised expertise in water supply
and sanitation, as the lack of interdisciplinary personnel
has proved to be a barrier to efficient and effective response.
The University of Copenhagen offers an
intensive course on water supply and sanitation in emergencies
for professionals working with - or aiming to work with
- disasters and relief operations.
The course is designed in such a way that
each participant attains the knowledge and skills necessary
for prompt action in recovery situations, especially in
developing countries.
For more information click
* * *
94 more courses and congresses dealing with „Global
Health“, „Public Health“ and "Public Health
Services“ can be found in the new Career & Education
Guide »medicine & health 2012«.
Order the Career & Education Guide now!

job vacancies
Medicine and nursing. With
love for life.
is a modern healthcare company consisting of the association
of social hospitals, nursing facilities and training centres.
We have set ourselves the task of uniting excellence in
medicine, nursing and management with Christian values.
And this is exactly what distinguishes us: patient-oriented
medicine and nursing according to acknowledged quality standards.
We are looking for a
senior physician and assistant physicians for our
(m/f) for the Centre for Geriatric Medicine…
Assistant Physician (m/f) for the Centre
for Geriatric Medicine…
(m/f) for further education in urology or for obtaining
specification in andrology…

you looking for a job in the medical field?
Write us an e-mail to,
we will be happy to assist you!
If you need, we can send you a CV-template
form to fill in.