Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
In this issue you will find
the following topics:
1. Course Tip:
So you think you want to be a Relief Worker?
2. Congress Tip:
31st Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
3. Special of the month:
Medical Anthropology at Home Conference VII
4. Jobs
Agaplesion gAG
Personal Job Consulting
and Placement
Warm regards,
Gerhard Polak,
P.S.: You can recommend the GI-Mail

So you think you want to be a Relief Worker? London, Great Britain
This one-day workshop is an essential introduction for anyone interested in a career in the humanitarian sector. You will hear first hand experiences from relief workers, learn about the nature of humanitarian relief, and look at the skills you have to bring to the sector. The course runs once a month, you find all dates
By the end of the course you will:
• Understand how the humanitarian sector operates
• Have questioned and learnt from experienced humanitarian workers
• Know how to make contact with key agencies
• Have identified what to do next and how to go about it
More information about the course can be found
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84 more courses and congresses dealing with "DC- HA- First Mission Aboard”, “HA-Advanced Training” and “HA-Complex Emergencies”, can be found in the new Career & Education Guide »medicine & health 2012«.
Order the Career & Education Guide now!

31st Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
June 16 – 20, 2012, Geneva, Switzerland
The EAACI Scientific Programme Committee has prepared
outstanding scientific sessions, including 7 Plenary sessions, 34 Symposia, 23 Workshops, 24 “Meet the Expert”, and 4 Clinical Updates. This preliminary programme also includes 10 Postgraduate Courses, the EAACI-SSAI Basic Science Symposium, the European Meeting of Allergy Nurses, Patient Organisations Workshop and the PAPRICA – Prime Allergy for the Primary Care Physicians Meeting. Of course, there will be a very wide programme with several educational sessions especially designed for Junior members.
By having the EAACI Congress 2012 under the theme “At the Crossroads of Research, Practice and Education”, we emphasise Geneva’s specificities and would like to contribute to excellent scientific exchanges between all participants: faculty members, delegates and exhibitors. The main focus is to give the opportunity to young members of our community to present their research, as well as to promote new topics in our field.
More information on the congress can be found
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35 more courses and congresses dealing with "Immunology & Pathology””, can be found in the new Career & Education Guide »medicine & health 2012«.
Order the Career & Education Guide now!

Medical Anthropology at Home Conference VII
June 22 – 24, 2012, Driebergen, Netherlands
“New Socialities and Subjectivities in Health Care in the 21st Century”
Health care, conceived broadly as institutionalized as well as non-institutionalized forms of tending to sickness and health, is undergoing transformations at a high speed and with unprecedented outcomes. Accelerated global flows of medical goods and services, ongoing economization of health in the context of cutbacks of health related public expenditures, demographic changes and the ‘greying’ of societies, as well as new and re-emergent pandemics affect the health care landscapes in the 21st century.
In addition, new actors in health care policy-making emerge, and we are confronted with a professionalization of ’traditional‘ healing services. This conference seeks to bring together medical anthropologists to discuss such transformations with a focus on the new socialities and subjectivities that emerge.
For more information about the conference click
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35 more courses and congresses dealing with „Population Studies” can be found in the new Career & Education Guide »medicine & health 2012«.
Order the Career & Education Guide now!

job vacancies
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Medical Specialist (m/f) for Surgery with an additional qualification in trauma surgery and orthopaedics …
Senior Physician (m/f) for the Surgical Unit…

you looking for a job in the medical field?
Write us an e-mail to,
we will be happy to assist you!
If you need, we can send you a CV-template
form to fill in.