Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
In keeping with the motto »medicine & health« we have tried to compile courses and conferences that might be of interest for our valued readers. In the rubric “Special of the Month” you may download a short version of the book “ Understanding the German Health Care System”. Further on I would like to invite you, to participate in a research study about non documented migrants. Your contribution will be only five questions, answer here.
Warm regards,
Gerhard Polak, MD
P.S.: You can recommend the GI-Mail newsletter
31st Graduate Summer Institute of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
10th to 28th June 2013, Baltimore, USA
The new courses for 2013
The Summer Institute offers new courses that focus on the application of epidemiologic methods to policy making and public health practice, broadly defined as “professional epidemiology”. These courses provide a methodologic framework for addressing different public health functions, such as surveillance and monitoring, and evaluation and analysis of health status.
Go to the new courses!
Emergency Medicine Update
6th to 9th May 2013, Monterey, California
This course is designed for physicians, physician assistants, registered nurses and paramedics, pre-hospital emergency medicine care providers and all other medical care providers who must maintain state-of-the-art knowledge of not only the specialty, but also…read more.
Click here for registration.
21st European Congress of Psychiatry
6th to 9th April 2013, Nice, France
EPA is celebrating its 30th anniversary by organising its most ambitious meeting yet. The 21st European Congress of Psychiatry (EPA 2013) – taking place 6-9 April 2013 in the breathtaking city of Nice, France – is expected to attract over 4,000 leading European psychiatrists.
Guided by this year’s theme, "Europe Challenges the Burden of Mental Disorders", EPA 2013’s rich and diverse scientific progamme will feature 16 CME Academia Courses; 3 Plenary Sessions; 3 Pro & Con debates; 6 State of the Art Lectures and several Core, Joint and Sponsored Symposia. EPA 2013’s broad appeal is aimed both at established professionals as well as up-and-coming graduates. Specifically, EPA 2013 will feature 9 European Early Career Psychiatrist Programme Sessions...more information.
5th IMPAKT Breast Cancer Conference & Pre-IMPAKT Training Course
1st to 4th May 2013, Brussels, Belgium
The major Themes are:
- Breast cancer heterogeneity - Mechanisms, capturing, and clinical implication - Targeting the PI3K/AKT/mTOR axes in breast cancer - Cancer reprogramming induced by treatment - Biomarker driven neoadjuvant trials in breast cancer
Meet top experts in the field and network with all of those interested in how to translate new discoveries into better diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer patients.
See the detalied programme here.
For more information please click here.
8th International EFR Congress
4th to 6th April 2013, Vienna, Austria
Progress and Future Developments in the Multidisciplinary Treatment of Colorectal Cancer
The main objectives of this meeting will be progress and future developments in the treatment of colorectal cancer. The management of colorectal cancer requires a multidisciplinary approach with individualized treatment concepts due to stage and risk factors.
See the detailed programme here.
For more information please click here.
Understanding the German Health Care System
Editors: Konrad Obermann, Peter Müller, Hans-Heiko Müller, Burkhard Schmidt, Bernd Glazinski
The German health care system, established in the late 19th century, is historically the first universal health care system. After World War II, in line with the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” of 1948, other universal health care systems emerged all over Europe, some following the German example, some coming up with new ways to administer and finance health care for their people...read more.
Read the short version of this book as a PDF-Download (free download).
Pros and Cons of Health Care for irregular MIgrants: does exclusion really make sense?
By Ursula Trummer and Sonja Novak-Zezula
A majority of European countries restricts access to health care for irregular migrants to emergency care. From public health and health economic perspectives this approach has to be questioned, as it allows access to health care at a point of time and ill health where health care provision is the most expensive. A research project conducted by the Center for Health and Migration Vienna in cooperation with the Asian European Foundation (ASEF) investigates expert opinions on the issue: how reasonable is exclusion from routine care?...read more.
Be part of this study and give your opinion answering five questions here.
Agaplesion gAG
Medicine and nursing. With love for life
AGAPLESION is a modern healthcare company consisting of the association of social hospitals, nursing facilities and training centres. We have set ourselves the task of uniting excellence in medicine, nursing and management with Christian values. And this is exactly what distinguishes us: patient-oriented medicine and nursing according to acknowledged quality standards.