Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
The year 2013 is almost over. Usually this is the time to reflect as well as to hopefully look into a bright future with New Year’s resolutions. Regarding events in the field of medicine and healthcare, the upcoming year 2014 indeed brings a bright future.
The Duke Graduate School is offering a free online course in scientific writing to improve your soft skills, and with the course in Strategic Health Planning you can gain advanced management skills.
The European Society for Sexual Medicine will hold its annual conference to reflect and develop latest insights in the field of sexual medicine at the beginning of next year.
If you want to start the New Year with a new job, you can find some very interesting job offers in Abu Dhabi, Germany and Austria in our German job newsletter. I hope you had a successful and educated year 2013 and I wish you and your beloved ones all the very best for the upcoming year 2014.
Warm regards
Gerhard Polak, MD
P.S.: You can recommend the GI-Mail newsletter
Scientific Writing
free online course
Why is writing important in science? Writing is the most common form of scientific communication, yet scientists have a reputation for being poor writers.
The Scientific writing resource is online course material that teaches how to write effectively. The material is not about correctness (grammar, punctuation, etc), but about communicating what you intend to the reader...read more.
Professional Certificate in Strategic Health Planning
24th to 28th March 2014, London, United Kingdom
With growing populations and restricted budgets, it is increasingly important to know how to organise health systems and coordinate with the many bodies responsible for health systems, particularly in the developing world.
Examine the international, national and local pressures on health systems, the role of civil society in provision and the design of strategies to develop efficient, affordable and equitable health structures... read more.
16th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM)
29th January to 1st February 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
An innovative scientific program reflecting sexual problems of both sexes and beyond that addressing hot topics of sexuality will be developed by the scientific committee.
The mixture of pioneers and leaders as well as new upstarts in the field of Sexual Medicine longing for recognition and success is the secret recipe of the permanent successes of the ESSM congresses... read more.
5th European Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health
10. bis 12. April 2014, Granada, Spanien Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health and Healthcare in the context of the current systemic crisis in Europe The economic crisis that affects Europe, particularly in the southern countries, has brought, across the regions, important changes in social and health policy which are creating new sources of vulnerability for disadvantaged populations, specially for migrants and ethnic minorities... read more.
Life Safety and Security "LiSS", the new Scientific Journal
Life Safety and Security (LiSS) is an official scientific Journal of the Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Science and Technology based in Palermo, Italy.
LiSS has been created as an open access Journal that publishes papers discussing causes of potential damage to individuals both in terms of accidental events and fraudulent ones. In our opinion, this is a highly current issue, and the scientific community lacks a forum where to publish and discuss ideas related to this subject...read more.
Resilient and Innovative Health Systems for Europe
By Paul Giepmans, Indre Laurinciukaite, Martina Naschberger and Elena Nicod
The EHFG 2013 Opening plenary addressed three key questions during the course of the conference:
What are the key strategies to make health systems resilient?
What are the most important innovations to promote health system performance and resilience?
How can decision-makers best introduce and implement these innovations?
All participants were invited to contribute to this debate by filling in an opinion card with their answers to these questions...read more.
Job and Career in Germany or Switzerland contact Going International
If you are medical specialist (f/m) or medical assistant (f/m) with good knowledge of the German language (at least level B2), apply now at Going International for this specialities:
- Internal medicine
- Specialization in surgery, vascular surgery or visceral surgery
- Radiology
If you are interested please send us your detailed CV as a Word-document to office@goinginternational.org. Please write on the subject line:"GI-Mail 12/2013".
Personal Job Consulting and Placement
Are you looking for a job in the medical field?
Send us an e-mail to office@goinginternational.org, we will be happy to assist you!
If you need, we can send you a CV-template form to fill in.
You can find a wide range of job vacancies in the German Job Newsletter.
General Surgery

Causes of Disasters

Infection Prevention

In the name of Going International and my colleagues, I wish you all a very merry christmas and a happy new year!
Gerhard Polak