Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
With this months’ newsletter, we put a special focus on medical and social anthropology, presenting to you the MSc programme in Medical Anthropology at the University of Oxford as well as conferences on anthropology taking place in Estonia and Japan.
On behalf of the conference organizers, we would like to draw your attention to the congress „Buddhism – Science and Medicine“, examining interpretations, applications and misuse of Buddhist ideas in western medicine.
In the special section you will find an interesting scientific article on mental health written by David McDaid.
For those interested in a new job or a training position we recommend to take a look at our monthly job newsletter or the job offers on the GOING INTERNATIONAL website.
Thank you for your interest in GI-Mail, please feel free to send us feedback!
Warm regards,
Gerhard Polak, MD
P.S.: You can recommend the GI-Mail newsletter
MSc in Medical Anthropology
Application deadline 14th March 2014, Oxford, United Kingdom
The one-year MSc degree in Medical Anthropology at the University of Oxford is a conversion course, which provides extensive teaching that combines social and bio-anthropological approaches to the study of health and healing in diverse societies and cultures.
The Master’s courses provide graduates from diverse disciplinary backgrounds with the necessary basis to go on to further research and teaching in anthropology, or to pursue healthcare-related careers… read more.
Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
free online course, organised by the University of California San Francisco
This course covers the basics of normal nutrition for optimal health outcomes and evidence-based diets for a variety of diseases.
Participants will learn the fundamentals of nutrition science and build upon these to explore emerging diet therapies, to analyze nutrition research and to plan well-balanced meals and dietary interventions for both healthy individuals and those with a number of diseases and health conditions...read more.
13th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists
31st July to 3rd August 2014, Tallinn, Estonia
Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution - innovation and continuity in an interconnected world
The 2014 EASA conference coincides with a quarter-century since the end of the Cold War and the events that triggered dramatic changes around the world. The event will be held in a region that experienced first-hand the socio-political reconfigurations emerging around that time… read more.
50th Anniversary Conference of the Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology (JASCA)
15th to 18th May 2014, Tokyo, Japan
The JASCA invites anthropologists from around the world to the 50th Anniversary Conference to be held jointly with IUAES Inter-Congress 2014.
The theme of the conference, the Future with/of Anthropologies, indicates the intention to discuss and think about the future not only of anthropology as a discipline in general but also of anthropologies in the specific, as various sub-disciplines covering different areas for debate... read more.
Health Services Research: Evidence-based practice
1st to 3rd July 2014, London, United KingdomAs health services research is a multidisciplinary field, this meeting will have a broad scope and address topics from many viewpoints, ranging from international health policy to local health care systems. BioMed Central, a publisher of open access jounals, is pleased to announce the first international conference on Health Services Research: Evidence-based practice... read more.
Mental Health: A Key Challenge For Europe In The 21st Century
This issue of Eurohealth is dedicated to the 2013 European Health Forum Gastein. The articles specifically focus on “Building resilient and innovative health systems for Europe”.
David McDaid is a Senior Research Fellow in Health Policy and Health Economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His article “Mental Health: A Key Challenge For Europe In The 21st Century” is a fascinating insight into this field... read more.
Buddhism - Science and Medicine
29th May to 1st June 2014, Vienna, AustriaBuddhism offers a very rich theory of knowledge and important advice for health care and influenced different medical systems. The conference, hosted by World Buddhist University and Sigmund Freud Priivate University Vienna, will offer a discussion with Buddhist scholars and information about the right use of Buddhist thoughts in science, medicine and health care... read more.
Jobs and Career in Germany or Switzerland
If you are a medical specialist or a medical assistant with good knowledge of the German language (at least level B2), apply now at Going International for these specialities:
- Internal medicine
- Specialization in surgery, vascular surgery or visceral surgery
- Radiology
If you are interested please send us your detailed CV as a Word-document to office@goinginternational.org. Please write in the subject line:"GI-Mail 02/2014".
Personal Job Consulting and Placement
Are you looking for a job in the medical field?
Send us an e-mail to office@goinginternational.org, we will be happy to assist you!
If you need, we can send you a CV-template form to fill in.
You can find a wide range of job vacancies in the German Job Newsletter.
Immunology & Allergy

A Big Fat Crisis

Flashcards Anatomy
