Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! The new edition of our newsletter presents courses and congresses covering a wide variety of topics, ranging from a Wilderness Life Support course in Mexico to a free online course for Volunteer Community Health Workers, the Humanitarian Congress in Germany and the European Health Forum Gastein in Austria. This month’s communication tips may help you to communicate effectively by using respectful language – you can fnd the tips in the section jobs & career offers. I would also like to draw your attention to an article on medical occupation and mobility of medical personnel in the European Union – this article can also be found in the jobs section. For those interested in a new job or a training position we recommend to take a look at our monthly job newsletter or the job offers on the GOING INTERNATIONAL website. Visit us on Facebook – on our page you will find up-to-date news on topics related to medicine and health. Kind regards, Dr.med.Gerhard Polak
P.S.: You can recommend the GI-Mail newsletter here .

Programme for Volunteer Community Health Workers
20th October to 8th December 2014, free online course
Volunteer community health workers (CHWs) are a major strategy for increasing access to and coverage of basic health interventions. Our village health worker training course reviews the process of training and continuing education of CHWs as an important component of involving communities in their own health service delivery. Participants will be guided through the steps of planning training and continuing education activities for village volunteers. The course draws on real-life examples from community-directed onchocerciasis control, village health worker programs and patent medicine vendor training programs, to name a few... read more.
Advanced Wilderness Life Support Course in Mexico2nd to 10th Novemb
er, Tlachichuca, MexicoFly into Mexico City for the first night, then we will travel through the desert and trek into the forest while teaching AWLS in an outdoor setting. Completing this course you will:- Learn the latest practical hands-on wilderness medical skills for patient assessment, stabilization and evacuation- Practice your skills in live scenarios- Work with our expert faculty and - Earn your AWLS® certification...read more.

European Health Forum Gastein - the Final Programme
1st to 3rd October, Bad Hofgastein, Austria We would like to share with you the final programme of the 17th EHFG conference. We are pleased to welcome among our speakers this year: - George Papandreou, former Prime Minister, Greece - Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner-designate for Health and Food Safety, European Commission - Sabine Oberhauser, Federal Minister of Health, Austria- Zsuzsanna Jakab, Regional Director, WHO Europe and many more... read more.
XVI.Humanitarian Congress Berlin
10th and 11th October, Berlin, Germany
The topic for this year’s congress is Protection: A Broken Promise? It will cover international protection and its role in humanitarian action, the armed protection of civilians, case studies on protection failures in Sri Lanka and the Central African Republic as well as the role of the Protection Cluster with regards to internally displaced people. The key note address will be held by Roméo Dallaire.. read more. More information and registration can be found here.

German network against Neglected Tropical Diseases
 Worldwide, more than one billion people are unable to work, blinded, disfigured, or handicapped by neglected tropical diseases (NTDs); many of them die. However, with suitable treatment programs and research plans, these diseases can be cured or the outbreak prevented from the start. Owing to joint efforts by civil society, politicians, science and business, an initial foundation has already been laid... read more.
Going USA: Internal Medicine Residency Training ProgramInformation event: 24th October 2014, Vienna, Austria Are you interested in an Internship and Residency at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, USA?
 Dr. David Henry is Vice Chairman of the Department of Medicine at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia and Associate Program Director of the Internal Medicine Residency Training Program. This presentation will review the requirements for applying for Internship and Residency in Internal Medicine at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, but will also review requirements to apply to any Internal Medicine Residency Training Program in the States as well...read more.

Medical occupation and mobility of medical personnel in the EU
 by Dr.med.Gerhard Polak
The Directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications in the EU provides for physicians as well as nursing professionals the automatic recognition of the medical professional diploma in any EU Member State.
Physicians, medical specialist and assistants in further training have good job offers and attractive opportunities for a professional career. The most popular destinations are Germany, Switzerland followed by Scandinavian countries like Denmark, Norway and Sweden as well as Great Britain... read more.
Jobs and Career in Germany or Switzerland
If you are a medical specialist or a medical assistant with good knowledge of the German language (at least level B2), apply now at Going International for these specialities: - Internal medicine
- Specialization in surgery, vascular surgery or visceral surgery
- Radiology
If you are interested please send us your detailed CV as a Word-document to office@goinginternational.org. Please write in the subject line:"GI-Mail 09/2014". You can also find a wide range of job vacancies in the German Job Newsletter.
Communication tips by Medics on the Move
Medics on the Move (MoM) is a language learning programme of Communication for Professionals, specially developed for professionals and pre-professionals using a second or foreign language in a medical context. MoM aims to provide medical professionals and pre-professionals working abroad or in a language-discordant context with language tools and support to help them function effectively in their new workplace. The e-learning platforms guide their users in a medical context by means of written and spoken conversation scenarios, a database of medical terminology, grammar tips and a manual on medical and intercultural communication. This month's edition will help you communicate effectively by using respectful language (tips will be continued in the next newsletter)...read more.
USMLE Step 1

Infection Prevention

Negotiating Public Health
