Dear Ladies and Gentlemen ! This edition of GI-Mail offers you courses in Ebola Management and Pharmacoepidemiology. If you want to know about state-of-the-Art technology in endocrinology I recommend the 17th Düsseldorf International Endocrinology Symposium.
In the Special section you can read about the upcoming awareness campaign of World Aids Day and find the outcomes of the European Health Forum Gastein this year. For those interested in a new job or a training position we recommend taking a look at our monthly job newsletter or the job offers on the GOING INTERNATIONAL website. Visit us on Facebook – on our page you will find up-to-date news on topics related to medicine and health. Kind regards, Dr.med.Gerhard Polak
P.S.: You can recommend the GI-Mail newsletter here .

Ebola: Management & Treatment
weekly courses until 2015, Würzburg, Germany
The current Ebola outbreak in West Africa continues to evolve in alarming ways. The most effective means to contain the outbreak involves setting up Ebola Treatment Centres and isolation units, and managing them according to international standards and guidelines. The primary purpose of the two-day Management and Training pre-deployment course is to ensure that field workers have sufficient knowledge of how to provide care to Ebola patients and ensure their own personal safety.….. read more.
Basics in Pharmacoepidemiology
online course, starting September 2015
Objectives of the course are:
- to understand how to evaluate the effects of medicines and therapeutic interventions both during drug development and clinical use
- to know the main methodological and ethical characteristics and limitations of randomized clinical trials
- to understand the differences between efficacy and effectiveness
- to know the basic concepts and classification of the pharmacoepidemiological studies designed to evaluate therapeutic interventions
- to identify information gaps in selected therapeutic areas (e.g. cardiovascular, psychiatry, diabetes care).. read more.

17th Düsseldorf International Endoscopy Symposium
5th to 7th February 2015, Düsseldorf, Germany The goal of this symposium is to highlight latest developments in endoscopic imaging and minimally invasive approaches to gastrointestinal and biliopancreatic diseases.
With an international, multimedia and interactive format containing live case-transmissions, satellite symposia, continuous simultaneous translations (German, English, Russian) and interactive discussions the congress creates an ideal professional learning atmosphere..…read more.
29th August 2015 to 02nd September 2015, London, U.K.
The European Society of Cardiology presents the world’s largest cardiovascular event. ESC Congress 2015 turns towards the patient and focuses on how to improve patient care by communicating the most timely and significant advances in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease.
The ESC will look at the best way to present, share, debate, and conclude on the latest science and research in cardiology and how it can improve the lives of patients. The Congress Programme Committee organised more than 500 sessions with a distinguished faculty from around the globe and over 4 600 abstract presentations.... read more.

World AIDS Day 2014: Closing the gap in HIV prevention and treatment
 1st December 2014
World AIDS Day 2014 is an opportunity to harness the power of social change to put people first and close the access gap. Ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 is possible, but only by closing the gap between people who have access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services and people who are being left behind. Closing the gap means empowering and enabling all people, everywhere, to access the services they need... read more.
The Gastein Health outcomes 2014 - Report
 From European Health Forum Gastein, Bad Hofgastein, Austria
The EHFG 2014 deliberately grasped the opportunity offered by the changing political context – at a time of international discussions on new global health goals.
A combination of thought leaders and practitioners analysed how it might be possible to forge the health policy that citizens deserve in this new political space. Newly-elected MEPs, WHO and EU officials, and the European Commissioner-designate for health not only came, and spoke, but stayed to listen, and to engage in discussions of “the Europe we want”.… read more.

Vacancy announcement for Jimma University Hospital,Ethiopia
Position: CEO of Jimma University Hospital Occupation:
- provide leadership and coordinate activities of all aspects of the Hospital,
- maintain contemporary knowledge in administration,
- provide leadership to personnel, in form of continuing education as to the changes in the healthcare industry,
- promote financial management, include an internal budgetary process...read more.
Jobs and Career in Germany or Switzerland
If you are a medical specialist or a medical assistant with good knowledge of the German language (at least level C1), apply now at Going International for these specialities: - Internal medicine
- Specialization in surgery, vascular surgery or visceral surgery
- Radiology
If you are interested please send us your detailed CV as a Word-document to office@goinginternational.org. Please write in the subject line: "GI-Mail 11/2014". You can also find a wide range of job vacancies in the German Job Newsletter.
Communication tips by Medics on the Move
Medics on the Move (MoM) is a language learning programme of Communication for Professionals, specially developed for professionals and pre-professionals using a second or foreign language in a medical context. MoM aims to provide medical professionals and pre-professionals working abroad or in a language-discordant context with language tools and support to help them function effectively in their new workplace. The e-learning platforms guide their users in a medical context by means of written and spoken conversation scenarios, a database of medical terminology, grammar tips and a manual on medical and intercultural communication. This month's edition will help you communicate effectively by addressing potential problems (tips will be continued in the next newsletter)...read more.
Healthcare Simulation

A Big Fat Crisis

Communication Skills
