Dear Ladies and Gentlemen ! This month's edition of GI-Mail presents you interesting and fascinating events in the fields of medicine & health around the globe. You can get a certification in Advanced Wilderness Medicine in Mexico or get to know about the latest achievements in Endoscopic Surgery in Pittsburgh, USA. If you want to present your own achievements to the public, I recommend the Elsevier Publishing Campus.
The 4th Public Health Festival will be held in Manchester, if you are interested in Primary Care, go visit the 3rd International Congress of Person Centred Medicine in London.
For those interested in working abroad, especially the United States, I recommend the student report in the Special section by Nicola Hermann, who participated in the three months rotation programme at Pennsylvania Hospital.
If you are interested in a new job or a training position in Austria and Germany and have a good knowledge of the German language, take a look at our Jobs & Career Offers. More jobs can be found in our monthly job-newsletter and on the website of Going International.
Visit us on Facebook – on our page you will find weekly updated news on topics related to »medicine & health«. Warm regards, Gerhard Polak, MD
P.S.: You can recommend the GI-Mail newsletter here .
ISSN: 2312-0827

Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery Course
16th to 19th August and 18th to 21st November 2015, Pittsburgh, USA
This comprehensive 4-day course is a presentation of minimally invasive techniques for endoscopic endonasal surgery of the pituitary fossa and cranial base. Experts on the subject will present the anatomical and technical aspects of this procedure along with risks, benefits and outcomes.
The course features interactive live surgery, fresh anatomical specimen dissection (including skills stations, anatomical models, and state-of-the-art endoscopic equipment with image guidance), lectures and videos, 3D anatomy lectures, and case presentations... read more.
Advanced Wilderness Medicine Certificate
2nd to 10th November 2015, Orizaba, Mexico Join our 4-day AWLS course in the heart of Mexico. After completion of the course, you can either return to Mexico City or join the SOS professional guides to climb the glaciated volcano to the summit of Pico de Orizaba, a great way to learn and practice wilderness medicine with like-minded individuals.
The AWLS® program focuses on treatment of the most common injuries and illnesses encountered making the AWLS® certification the standard in the medical industry for wilderness medicine. This course offers intensive practical skills.... read more.
E-Learning for Publishing and Research Skills
Online lectures and interactive courses, Elsevier Publishing Campus The Elsevier Publishing Campus is an online platform offering free lectures, interactive training and professional advice. Perhaps you are interested in writing a journal article or submitting a book proposal; Elsevier Publishing Campus has the resources to help you achieve your goals. Your role is changing. Early career researchers in particular are under significant pressures and Elsevier is committed to supporting you on your way to publishing a world class journal article or book and developing your career as a successful professional researcher... read more.

4th International Festival of Public Health
2nd July 2015, Manchester, United KingdomGlobal Health: the Good, the Bad and the Economy
The University of Manchester is proud to announce the 4th annual International Festival of Public Health UK in association with "cities@manchester" and Manchester Medical Society Public Health Forum. The festival presents you with the opportunity to display your work and network with other people working in public health and related fields from around the UK. Plenary lectures, workshops and poster displays will form the core of the festival... read more.
Global Forum on Research and Innovation for Health 201524th to 27th August 2015, Manila, Philippines
 The Forum 2015 aims to identify solutions to the world’s unmet health needs through research and innovation. As world leaders shift their focus to the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, increased understanding of the impact of research and innovation on health is of critical importance.
Scientific research and innovation has transformative effects on not only health outcomes, but also on national economic growth and sustainable development. Forum 2015 provides a platform where low- and middle-income countries take prime position in defining the global health research agenda, in presenting solutions and in creating effective partnerships for action..... read more.
3rd International Congress of Person Centred Medicine29th to 31st October 2015, London, United Kingdom
 Celebrating Primary Care Achievements The conference will cover five central themes: Primary Care in the 21st Century, Ageing and Ageism, Children and Adolescences, Integrated Care, and Public Health in Primary Care.
It will cut across the three major disciplines of education, training, and research. Each of the five themes will include a plenary session with workshops, lectures, and poster sessions. ... read more.

4th World Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis Conference 8th to 11th July, Stockholm, Sweden Find more information here. From Paper to Computer Records: Ensuring Data Quality for the Analysis 15th to 17th July 2015, Bern, Switzerland Find more information here.
Candid Conversations: Talking with Female Patients about Sexual Health Start: August - November 2015, E-Learning, USA Find more information here.
World Congress of Surgery WCS 2015 23rd to 27th August 2015, Bangkok, Thailand Find more information here. European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health 6th to 10th September 2015, Basel, Switzerland Find more Information here.

3 Months Clinical Rotation at Pennsylvania Hospital- Student Report
Student Report by Nicola Hermann This Program gives you the valuable opportunity to study at one of the Ivy-League Universities, which is ranked at the very top of all medical schools. You become a part of the medical educational system of the United States for 3 months. It shows you the effectively structured American approach to teaching and ended up being a great learning experience in my life as a medical student. I can recommend the Philadelphia Rotation to anyone who is interested in Internal Medicine and who is keen on getting to know an excellent medical educational system quite far away from home... read more.
Public Health - A joint venture on all levels
The European Health Forum Gastein aims to signpost European health policy making by recapitulating recent developments, enriching and facilitating ongoing debates and providing a platform for the exchange of experiences. This agenda in mind, for this year’s conference we decided to put a special emphasis on the importance of the “Health in All Policy” approach.
The overall aim is to shed some light on the issue of how to achieve greater coherence in health policy making and thereby securing the health of European citizens... read more.
The study of Chaperonopathies affecting the Nervous System
 The Chaperoning System participates extensively in the development, functioning, protection, and repair of the nervous system from conception to old age. It is, therefore, not surprising that if a member of the chaperoning system is defective and malfunctioning, namely if a chaperonopathy occurs, there will be consequences affecting the nervous system integrity and functionality. The Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Science and Technology (IEMEST) has been established as an international research center devoted to the study of these pathological conditions that may affect people at every age, from birth to senescence... read more.

Jobs and Career in Germany or Switzerland
 If you are a medical specialist or a medical assistant with good knowledge of the German language ( level C1), apply now at Going International for these specialities: - Internal medicine
- Neurology
- Anesthesia
- Radiology
If you are interested please send us your detailed CV as a Word-document to office@goinginternational.org. Please write in the subject line: "GI-Mail 05/2015". You can also find a wide range of job vacancies in the German Job Newsletter.
Oberarzt (m/w) Innere Medizin - Gastroenterologie
 Gesucht wird ein/e berufserfahrene/r Facharzt/Fachärztin für Innere Medizin (m/w) mit dem Schwerpunkt Gastroenterologie und einem breiten Erfahrungsspektrum im gesamten Fachgebiet. Der/die neue Stelleninhaber/in sollte durch Führungs- und Sozialkompetenz überzeugen und über Teamfähigkeit, Engagement und Einfühlungsvermögen verfügen. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit zur Position "leitender Oberarzt". Das Haus mit der zu besetzenden Position ist ein Haus der Grund- und Regelversorgung in Bayern. Die Versorgung der Patienten wird in insgesamt 10 Fachabteilungen gewährleistet... read more.
Assistenzarzt (m/w) zur Weiterbildung in Allgemeinmedizin - Salzburg
Ärzte und Ärztinnen für Allgemeinmedizin betreuen Menschen jeden Lebensalters in ihren gesamten Lebensbereichen. Sie lernen die Erkennung und Behandlung von Gesundheitsstörungen sowie von akuten und chronischen Krankheiten. Arbeitgeber sind renommierte Akut-Krankenhäuser und universitäre Lehr-Spitäler des Landes Salzburg. Diese bieten Ihnen die komplette Facharztweiterbildung im Gebiet Allgemeinmedizin mit organisierten Rotationen in die in der ärztlichen Weiterbildungsordnung vorgegebenen Fachgebiete... read more.
Communication Tips by Medics on the Move (MoM)
 Are you a professional or a pre-professional? Do you use a second or foreign language at work? Communication for Professionals hands you the tools for successful integration on the (multilingual) workfloor, just-in-time & on-and-off-the-job! Boost your professional interactions by trying our monthly communication tips. This month's edition will show you how to pick up cues during consultation and work with them ...read more.