Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
In the current issue of GI-Mail we present to you courses and congresses covering a wide variety of topics, ranging from health economics to immunology, pediatrics and migrant & ethnic minority health.
Further courses and congresses can be found in the section “Quick tips”.
I would like to draw your attention on OCHA, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. For more information please go to the Specials.
If you are interested in a new job or a training position in Austria, Germany or Switzerland and have a good knowledge of the German language, take a look at our Jobs & Career Offers. More jobs can be found in our monthly Job-newsletter and on the website of Going International. Visit us on Facebook – you will find weekly updated news on topics related to medicine and health.
Kind regards, Gerhard Polak, MD
P.S.: Send GI-Mail to a friend .
ISSN: 2312-0827

A Range of Masters’ Programmes for 2016/17  Boost your career in health with the Leeds Institute of Health Sciences and the Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development. Our masters’ level programmes are for both established and aspiring health professionals working all over the world. We have programmes in health economics; health informatics; public health; health management, planning and policy; international health, and international hospital management – all taught by experts working in the University of Leeds’ School of Medicine. Apply now for September 2016... read more
Immunology: A Pathway through the Maze8th - 9th December 2016, Oxford, Great Britain  Immunology is a rapidly developing subject with wide-ranging implications for the pharmaceutical, healthcare and biotechnology industries. Common questions include, for example: How does the immune system defend the body against infection? What goes wrong when autoimmunity develops? Team leaders, R&D directors, and researchers at the bench all need to understand the latest developments in immunology and their implications for drug discovery and development as well as disease treatment. … read more

The Third World Congress on Controversies in Pediatrics 31st March - 2nd April 2016, Barcelona, Spain CoPedia is one of the few congresses that brings together groups of interdisciplinary experts to tackle current clinical controversies in the field of pediatrics. The 3rd CoPedia will focus on Infectious Diseases, Immunizations and Nutrition. The CoPedia scientific program will address the most burning questions in the field of pediatrics and will provide an effective forum to discuss and debate these questions... read more
EUPHA’s 6th European Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health23rd -25th June 2016, Oslo, Norway  This conference provides a unique opportunity for all the stakeholders in the health care sector to meet, share, discuss and debate the issues related to equity in health. Inequalities in health and ethical considerations remain high on our agenda. Furthermore, cross-border sharing of information will include: best practices, prioritization, user involvement and participation, access to services and information… read more

Foot and Ankle Course
7th to 9th December 2015, Shropshire, United Kingdom Find more information here. 38th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium
8th to 12th December 2015, San Antonio, TX, USA Find more information here. Clinical Prediction Models (WK80)
11th to 13th January 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands Find more information here. Public Health Anthropology: Concepts and Tools
11th to 22nd January 2016, Heidelberg, Germany Find more information here. Fourth European School of Dermato-Oncology
28th to 30th January 2016, Berlin, Germany Find more information here. Strengthening ABF at a Hospital Level
24th to 25th February 2016, Sydney, Australia Find more information here.

The EU in Global Health GovernanceHow the EU interacts with health processes at global level  The EU supports the WHO as the leading authority on global health in the United Nations system. It speaks with one voice in the WHO’s governing bodies. The Commission and national governments establish a joint EU position to be presented to the WHO. The Commission cooperates with the WHO Secretariat on health security, research and development, non-communicable diseases, health inequalities... read more
OCHA – United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs  OCHA is the part of the United Nations Secretariat responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent response to emergencies. OCHA also ensures there is a framework within which each actor can contribute to the overall response effort. The mission is to assist people when they most need relief or protection. A key pillar of the OCHA mandate is to “coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors”... read more

Jobs and Career in Germany or Switzerland If you are a medical specialist or a medical assistant with good knowledge of the German language (level C1), apply now at Going International for these specialities:
- Internal medicine
- Neurology
- Anesthesia
- Radiology
If you are interested please send us your detailed CV as a Word-document to office@goinginternational.org. Please write in the subject line: "GI-Mail 11/2015".
You can also find a wide range of job vacancies in the German Job Newsletter.
Leiter Medizincontrolling (m/w)Gesucht wird eine engagierte Persönlichkeit (m/w) mit einer Approbation als Arzt sowie einer mehrjährigen klinischen Tätigkeit. Bestenfalls hat der neue Leiter Medizincontrolling (m/w) eine Facharztausbildung. Der neue Stelleninhaber (m/w) sollte mehrjährige Erfahrungen in verantwortlicher Position im Bereich Medizincontrolling mitbringen und über umfassendes Wissen in Bezug auf das DRG-System und die entsprechenden Abrechnungsmodalitäten sowie einen sicheren Umgang mit den MS Office-Produkten verfügen... weiterlesen

Chefarzt (m/w) für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie  Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt suchen wir einen Facharzt (m/w) für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie oder einen Facharzt (m/w) für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie.
Der Kandidat (m/w) überzeugt mit ausgewiesener fachlicher und sozialer Kompetenz, er zeigt auch entsprechend der Position ausgeprägte Führungsqualitäten. Neben der fachlichen Kompetenz verlangt diese Position nach einer Führungspersönlichkeit, die mit Engagement und Empathie zu ihren Patienten diese verantwortungsvolle Leitungsfunktion übernimmt... weiterlesen
Communication Tips by Medics on the Move (MoM)  Are you a professional or a pre-professional in the medical sector? Do you use a second or foreign language at work?
Asking the right questions and gaining accurate information from a patient are powerful tools during consultations. Using different question types may facilitate the consultation and affect the type and amount of information the patient will provide.
There are three main question types: open, directed and closed questions. It is important to know what kind of question to ask first, and what to ask last....weiterlesen.