Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
The new edition of GI Mail presents courses on Public Health and Echocardiograpy as well as the master courses "Molecular Mechanisms of Disease" and "Biomedical Sciences" at Radboud University.
On behalf of the congress organisers we want to draw your attention to "DIGICARE - the 1st Euroseminar to Face the Digital Revolution in Healthcare" and the "VII Conference on Childhood Studies"
In our Special Section we present a new health app to you. If you are interested in a new job or a training position in Austria, Germany or Switzerland and have a good knowledge of the German language, take a look at our Jobs & Career Offers. More jobs can be found in our monthly Job-Newsletter and on the Website of Going International. Visit us on Facebook – you will find weekly updated news on topics related to medicine and health.
Kind regards, Gerhard Polak, MD
P.S.: Send GI-Mail to a friend .
ISSN: 2312-0827

Study at Radboud University!
Radboud University is a high quality institution in the Netherlands with a strong focus on research and modern research facilities. Studying Molecular Mechanisms of Disease or Biomedical Sciences means you will follow a broad Master’s programme that allows you to specialise in your specific field of interest, with a strong focus on bench to bedside research.
You will have daily contact with established researchers, and be part of the research team at one of our cutting-edge institutes. Numerous fully funded PhD positions available afterwards...read more
Health in Context: A Course in Multilevel Modelling11th to 15th April 2016, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Public health and health services research increasingly uses a statistical technique called multilevel modelling or multilevel analysis (MLA). Pioneering development of MLA methodology has been in education where researchers have been interested in studies examining how pupil outcomes (such as examination scores) are related to both the characteristics of the pupils themselves and those of the schools.
In this course we clarify what MLA is about and why it is important to take both shared contexts and individuals into account when undertaking public health and health services research... weiterlesen
Echo in Africa
Start: 9th May 2016, Cape Town, South Africa. Echo in Africa is a collaborative project between the British Society of Echocardiography (BSE) and SUNheart which takes place at Tygerberg Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. Now in its third year, BSE members are invited to volunteer to take part in this project screening students from secondary schools in low socio economic rural communities in Cape Town for early stage rheumatic heart disease. Four schools in communities where up to 80% of the students live in shacks are taking part in the project... read more

DIGICARE - the 1st Euroseminar to Face the Digital Revolution in Healthcare
12th April 2016, Brussels, Belgium.
 Digital revolution is radically changing how European citizens are living and facing their social and health care habits: a recent Eurobarometer Survey showed that 6 out of 10 Europeans had looked for their health information on the internet in 2014.
The rationale for this seminar is to provide a cross road to discuss key “hot topics” that are going to involve European citizens, private industries, governments, institutions, medical associations and healthcare providers in the near future and coagulate different interests around the huge potential to use the digital power to improve the healthcare of European citizens and future patients...read more
The VII Conference on Childhood Studies: Childhood in Everyday Life
6th to 8th June 2016, Turku, Finland.
The Conference on Childhood Studies is a well-established multidisciplinary forum for research on children and childhood. It brings together researchers from various disciplines as well as attendees interested in childhood research.
The theme of the conference is Childhood in Everyday Life. Everyday life is often neglected as self-evident and ordinary part of mundane life. Yet, it is comprised of numerous practices and structures which influence people’s well-being, determine their status in the society and guide their choices even affecting the future generations... read more

Neglected Tropical Diseases - A Public Health Issue
2nd to 6th May 2016, Heidelberg, Germany Find more information here. 8th "Diabetes Complications" Conference & Grand Rounds6th to 8th May 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Find more information here. Alzheimers10th to 11th May 2016, London, United Kingdom Find more information here. Global Cancer: Occurence, Courses and Avenues to Prevention7th to 10th June 2016, Lyon, France Find more information here. Oncologic Imaging Course OIC 201630th June to 2nd July 2016, Dubrovnik, Croatia Find more information here. Assessing Public Health in Emergency Situations - APHES 20164th to 15th July 2016, Brussels, Belgium Find more information here.

Anatomy of a Murder: How Responsive Web Design Changed the Face of the Web We Experience
 The way we use the web has changed over the years and so has the technology that comes with this behavioral change. To get an address or a telephone number we simply hit up google and perform a search. 50% of the time we do so, we do it via our mobile devices, on the bus, micro-breaking at work, cyber-loading on the couch at home, you name it: everywhere at any time! This trend is so prevalent that Google has begun to boost the ratings of sites that are mobile friendly if the search was made from a mobile device. This has the net effect of penalizing sites that are not mobile friendly... read more
Health App – Smart Pubmed
 A simple app that enables you to save pubmed abstracts. You may add a personal note to abstracts. You may also email the abstracts and export the saved data. The app is for free. Made by an orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Vikrant Azad. I coded this app for my personal use and when I had my colleague show interest in it, I decided to package it and release it. I wanted a pubmed app to let me search, save for later reference that is itself searchable... read more
Involved in a cross-border health project? Apply now for the 10th European Health Award!
In the run-up to the 19th European Health Forum Gastein, this year themed “Demographics and Diversity in Europe – New Solutions for Health”, which will take place in Austria´s Gastein Valley from 28th September to 30th September 2016, the International Forum Gastein is welcoming applications for the European Health Award 2016.
The award of €10,000 will be sponsored by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health and FOPI, the Association of the Research & Development based Pharmaceutical Industry in Austria... read more

Jobs and Career in Germany or Switzerland
If you are a medical specialist or a medical assistant with good knowledge of the German language (level C1), apply now at Going International for these specialities:
- Internal medicine
- Neurology
- Anesthesia
- Radiology
If you are interested please send us your detailed CV as a Word-document to office@goinginternational.org. Please write in the subject line: "GI-Mail 03/2016".
You can also find a wide range of job vacancies in the German Job Newsletter.
Facharzt Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (m/w)
Gesucht wird ein berufserfahrener Facharzt (m/w) für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe mit einer der Position entsprechenden hoch qualifizierten fachlichen Ausbildung, hervorragender Qualifikation im gesamten Fachbereich der Gynäkologie und umfassenden operativen Kenntnissen/ Fähigkeiten.
Der neue Stelleninhaber sollte sich durch eine hohe Sozialkompetenz, Teamfähigkeit und Engagement auszeichnen und in der Patientenversorgung menschlich zugewandt agieren. Eigenständigkeit, Einfühlungsvermögen und wirtschaftliches Denken und Handeln werden ebenfalls erwartet... read more
Facharzt (m/w) für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie
Wir suchen Ärztinnen und Ärzte für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie
Sind Sie an Psychosomatik und Therapie „pur“ interessiert? Steht für Sie die persönliche Arbeit mit Ihren Patienten an erster Stelle?
Wenn Sie diese Fragen ansprechen und Sie in der therapeutischen Anwendung von psychosomatischer Medizin hoch motiviert sind, dann sollten Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung setzen… read more
Assistenzarzt (m/w) für Neurologie
Wir suchen zwei junge Assistenz-Ärzte (m/w) die bereits erste Berufserfahrung in der Neurologie mitbringen und ihre Weiterbildung rasch fortsetzen wollen.
Haben Sie bereits ein oder zwei Jahre Weiterbildung im Fachgebiet Neurologie erfolgreich absolviert? Suchen Sie eine neue Stelle, wollen Sie von der Rehabilitation in die Akut-Neurologie wechseln?
Sie haben bereits ein bis zwei Jahre Berufserfahrung im Fach Neurologie, empfinden Begeisterung für das Fachgebiet und haben eine hohe Motivation für die Weiterbildung… read more
Communication Tips: Providing a Rationale
 Are you a professional or a pre-professional in the medical sector? Do you use a second or foreign language at work?
During a consultation, it is important that patients feel comfortable. By providing a rationale when asking questions, you share the reasons for your actions and your queries. Doing so, you indicate that you acknowledge the patients’ concerns and that you are a good listener.
Providing a rationale is also a sign of respect. It helps patients understand why you ask certain types of questions, or why you want to zoom in on a particular aspect of their rapport... read more