3rd International Congress of Person Centred Medicine

26. Mai 2015

29th to 31st October 2015, London, United Kingdom

Imperial-College-LondonCelebrating Primary Care Achievements

The Department of Primary Care & Public Health (PCPH) at Imperial College London (ICL) is part of the Imperial School of Public Health’s Faculty of Medicine. The core mission of PCPH is to achieve better health through strengthening the primary care science base. This is done by training the next generation of NHS general practitioners, primary care professionals and public health specialists. They will become the next generation of health leaders, influencing policy and programmes worldwide. Imperial College London is the joint-second best university in the world. PCPH has established itself as a leading academic primary care and public health department combining local, national and international research with teaching and training programmes. Its research in public health, health service and primary care is ranked top in the UK.

The International College of Person-centred Medicine is a non-for-profit educational, research, and advocacy organisation emerging from the Geneva Conferences on Person-centred Medicine. Since 2008 its aim is to promote and articulate science and humanism in medicine and health care, refocusing these components on the whole person.

Scientific Programme:

29 October 2015

09.00 Welcome and Congress Opening
10.30 Primary care in the 21st century (includes plenary session, workshops, poster sessions and panel discussions
13.30 Public health in Primary Care (includes plenary session, workshops, poster sessions and panel discussions)
16.00 Putting the person at the centre of healthcare (includes plenary session, workshops, poster sessions and panel discussions)

 30 October 2015

08.00 Health through life (includes plenary session, workshops, poster sessions and panel discussions)
10.30 Maternal and childcare (includes plenary session, workshops, poster sessions and panel discussions)
13.30 Adolescent health (includes plenary session, workshops, poster sessions and panel discussions)
16.00 Ageing and Ageism (includes plenary session, workshops, poster sessions and panel discussions)

31 October 2015

08.00 Shaping the health system (includes plenary session, workshops, poster sessions and panel discussions)
10.30 Leading through research and innovation (includes plenary session, workshops, poster sessions and panel discussions)


Click here for online registration.
For  more information on the International Congress of Person Centred Medicine olease visit the official Website.


Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.