28th to 30th September 2015, Vienna, Austria
This Vienna Congress is organized by IARMM to improve and promote high advanced safe and clean science and technology in both risk and crisis management and governance. The congress covers a wide range of topics such as patient safety, medication safety, infectious disease outbreak, and other related subjects.
After the previous Congresses, 2012 in London, 2013 in Heidelberg, and 2014 in Madrid, this time the 4th Congress 2015 takes place in Vienna, Austria.
While by the end of the 20th century, new topics such as clinic gene technology had been added to medicine’s paramount concern with health, it should not be forgotten that health and safety remain integral to human well being. In the 21st century, risk and crisis management are widely recognized as one of the fundamental aspects of human existence.
On the above accounts, the 4th WCCS is promoting internationally improvement and promotion of safety cultures for medical service & practice, pharmacology, infectious disease, etc. The 4th WCCS will be held in response to many requests to exchange knowledge and experiences with our international experts in risk and emergency management/governance. We are inviting experts from Austria, other European countries, North America plus those from several international organizations. The 4th WCCS will also host many delegates from Europe, US, Canada, South America, Australia, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
It is expected that the Congress will contribute to the improvement of high-advanced safety cultures in healthcare around the world.
We are sure that the Congress will assist the world wide exchange of knowledge and skill in this specialist area. Let’s all join together at Vienna Congress to meet and share information with your colleagues inside the symbolic halls of the power and influence of the House of Habsburg on the European history, from the end of the 17th to the early 20th century.
The purpose of IARMM
Because of the rapid globalization of society and progress in technological innovations, problems related to global environment issues, life-style disease, community health, occupational health, medical accidents, food product health, international health, mental health and health problems for aging population are on the rise. Whilst we all recognize the importance of the practice of risk management sciences for prevention of those problems by risk assessment, it is essential to integrate interdisciplinary research in such fields as political economics, administration studies, sociology, environmental science, ecology, behavioral science, information science, education, ethics, epidemiology and statistics, not just to develop technologies to implement government policies and countermeasures. This Society, therefore, seeks to contribute to the promotion of scientifically sound countermeasures and solutions by encouraging the free exchange and interplay of international research activities.
The most distinctive features of this Society will be:
1) Focusing on health risks associated with the occurrence of unpreferable health conditions, to carry out evidence-based health policy study by means of numerous analyses of countermeasures for preventive management of health risks.
2) To promote advancing the techniques and theory of „management“ as required by the science of preventive medicine.
General Information
Date of the 4WCCS:
28th to 30th September 2015
Schönbrunn Palace, Apothekertrakt
Here you can find the program draft of the 4th World Congress of Clinical Safety as PDF.
Main Organizers:
Ryoji Sakai (IARMM & WHRMC President, Japan)
Job Harenberg (Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany)
Allen J Vaida (The Institute for Safe Medication Practice, USA)
Aidan Halligan (University College London, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals, UK)
Rangar Lofstedt (King’s Collage London, UK)
Abstract Submission:
1st Feb 2015 – 31st May 2015
(Presenter with Austrian visa) 1st Feb 2015 – 15th May 2015
Oral and poster pesentations are acceptable.
Some oral presentations will be embedded into the symposium or the panel discussion.
Find out more about Absatract submission here.
A certification letter of your participation is given at an onsite registration desk.
Find all information about 4WCCS on the official Website.
For registration please contact:
Ms. Jessie Ji
(Tel/Fax) +81-3-3817-6770
4-7-12-102 Hongo, Bunkyoku, Tokyo
Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.