EFIC Autumn Pain School

29. Juli 2013

EFIC_Logo_150x80 1st to 6th September 2013,Klagenfurt, Austria

Main Topics are Acute Pain, Cancer Pain, Headache, Low Back Pain, Neuropathic Pain and Psychological methods in chronic pain.

The EFIC Pain Schools are courses aimed at young (preferably less than 45 years) European medical doctors and paramedical personnel who are interested in the field of pain and want to gain more experience. These are at least 4-5 days regarding basic treatment of pain patients and all aspects of pain development. To be eligible for the school you need to be an EFIC Chapter Member.

The Educational Support Grant for Eastern European countries is aimed to improve the scope and availability of education of pain clinicians in Eastern Europe. Fellowship Grants are available for candidates who are to be trained in specific pain treatment specialties and who will bring this knowledge to use in their surrounding localities. Additionally, several E-Learning Tools are being offered to further deepen one’s knowledge of pain and pain management.

How can I attend an EFIC Pain School?

EFIC Council Members can appoint maximum two candidates for each school to attend. The applicants presented by the EFIC Councillors have to fill in the application form which has to be send to the EFIC Office (secretary@efic.org) before the application deadlines. All the applicants will be evaluated by the EFIC Committee on Education and approved by the EFIC Executive Board, who will decide following the guidelines set by EFIC which applicants will receive the EFIC grant. There is a maximum of 15 EFIC applicants per school.

Click here to fill in the application form. Note: Applications sent to the EFIC office direclty are not being accepted, all applications have to go throught the national EFIC Councillors. Please note that when an applicant is not able to attend the Pain School for any reason, the applicant or the EFIC Councilor representing the applicant have to inform the EFIC Office, the Pain School and the respective EFIC Councilor in writing minimum 30 working days before the actual start of the Pain School. In case no information is received in this time period the respective national Chapter will be held responsible to pay 20% of the grant (1000 € per applicant).

Read more about the EFIC Pain School here.


Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with “Pain Management” can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.
