Global Forum on Research and Innovation for Health 2015

long-cohred-short24th to 27th August 2015, Manila, Philippines

Get involved in shaping the future

The Global Forum on Research and Innovation for Health 2015 aims to identify solutions to the world’s unmet health needs through research and innovation

As world leaders shift their focus to the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, increased understanding of the impact of research and innovation on health is of critical importance. Scientific research and innovation has transformative effects on not only health outcomes, but also on national economic growth and sustainable development. Forum 2015 provides a platform where low- and middle-income countries take prime position in defining the global health research agenda, in presenting solutions and in creating effective partnerships for action.

The Global Forum on Research and Innovation for Health builds on and expands the scope and impact of the previous “Global Forum for Health Research” – in support of a new world in which development is global and in which research and innovation capacity is increasingly a domain where everyone participates – high, middle and low income countries.

– No longer just focusing on ‚closing the 10/90 gap‘ by encouraging high income countries to spend more research resources on the health problems of low income countries – the new Forum focuses on the increasing capacities in research and innovation that low and middle income countries can contribute towards better and more equal global health.

– No longer just a meeting funded by high income country donors, the new Forum is funded and driven mostly by middle income countries and provides a new space within which to prioritise the global health and global health research agenda.

– No longer a mostly research-focused meeting, the new Forum is aiming for solutions, involves all stakeholders in the value chain from problem to solution, and goes beyond ‚health research‘ towards ‚research and innovation for health‘.
quer-COHRED-council-on-research-for-developmentTo deliver this new Forum 2015, the Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED) has partnered with the Philippines to provide a unique global platform enabling the global research and innovation agenda to be set and solved by all – not just by a few – with the ultimate outcome of improving health, equity and socio-economic development in a sustainable manner. This is possible thanks to the enthusiastic support of the Philippine’s Department of Science and Technology, Department of Health and the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development.

Aimed at all stakeholders in development – public, private and non-profit – the Forum format and participation is innovative in itself. Offering a wide variety of engagement formats, the Forum encourages all who are passionate about solving health and equity through research and innovation to join in the ways that suit their contributions best. The Forum programme includes the conference, of course, but also a global discussion platform to encourage participation even of those who are not able to make it to Manila, a film festival and photo competition, a global university debating convention, and exposure to a business incubator for early innovations, and more.

Please find details and more information on the congress-website.
Click here for registration!


Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with healthcare can be found online on the Education Database »medicine & health«.




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