In addition to analyzing past mistakes through case study work, students are given a clear understanding of disaster management and risk reduction strategies. Students learn how to work with operational and planning teams at all levels and understand the practical levels of preparedness that can be achieved and maintained. Students also gain the ability to critically appraise existing plans and provide reasoned recommendations for improvement.
Humanitarian aid workers with 5-10 years of field experience
Bachelor's Degree from an accredited institution
To learn more about this course, please view the individual course listing on our website. For a complete list of IIHA courses, view the course calendar on our website. If you have any questions, please contact miha@fordham.edu for more information.
To take this course, please visit the IIHA webpage or go to http://bit.ly/IIHA-Apply-Now. For specific information and questions about registration and applications, please contact miha@fordham.edu.
Frau Ellen Bratina
KategorienEvaluierung, Humanitäre Hilfe - Expertenkurse, Humanitäre Hilfe - Komplexe Notfälle, Ökonomie und Finanzierung