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The Difficult Airway Course: Emergency

Airway Management Education Center
02.05.2025 - 04.05.2025  Hyatt Regency Boston, One Avenue de Lafayette, 02111 Boston, USA
This advanced education in complex airway management is the only CME program that teaches the evidence-based algorithmic approach to airway management developed by airway experts Ron Walls MD, Michael Murphy MD and Robert Luten MD>

You will learn a rapid & systematic approach to any airway emergency, essential tips and tricks from our world-renowned, expert faculty, and hone your skills with proven airway devices through hands-on workshops and challenging Code Airway simulations.
Lernziele, Trainingsziele
Hands-on Training in Crucial Airway Techniques including:
- Surgical Cricothyrotomy
- Video Laryngoscopy
- Awake Intubation
- Fiberoptic Stylets & Guides
- Optically Enhanced Laryngoscopy
- Extraglottic Devices
- Pediatric Airway Skills
Emergency Physicians, all other physicians who work in the Emergency Department, Physician Assistants, Paramedics, Flight Nurses and Respiratory Therapists.
See for up-to-date CME Accreditation information.
Lokaler Veranstalter
Airway Management Education Center

Anfragen und Anmeldung:

Register online at Tuition includes a copy of the Walls Manual of Emergency Airway Management (6th edition) and The Airway Card Emergency.
Frau Daphne Rosenbaum
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit - Expertenkurse, Gesundheitspädagogik / Health Professions Education, Humanitäre Hilfe - Expertenkurse, Humanitäre Hilfe - Komplexe Notfälle, Innere Medizin, Medizinpädagogik / Medical Education, Notfallmedizin Deutschland, Notfallmedizin International, Notfallmedizin Österreich, Notfallmedizin Schweiz, Wissenschaftlich fundierte Gesundheitsversorgung, Wissenschaftlich fundierte Medizin
Art des Abschlusses
2.5 Tage
Credit Points
21.25 AMA PRA Category
USD 1.950,00
(Gold Tuition (Physician Assistants, Advanced Practice Nurses, Nurses, Respiratory Therapists): $1650 USD Silver Tuition (Residents, Fellows): $1450 USD)
Teilnehmerzahl (max.)
Veranstalter Kontakt
222 Main Street, Suite 323
06032 Farmington