Media data - GI Mailings

GOING INTERNATIONAL (GI) is the leading platform for quality education programmes in medical and health care sectors with the unique education database »medicine & health« exclusively for medicine, health, public health and global health.

GOING INTERNATIONAL is a partner of renowned national and international institutions for higher education.

Your advantages:

  • Reach your target group efficiently and directly.
  • Benefit from our information and counseling services.
  • In addition to your commercial ad in our newsletters you can promote your events in our educational database »medicine & health« for free!

Your individual mailing with GI-Promotion


GI-Promotion will be designed according to your individual wishes and in your corporate design.

  • GI-Promotion is sent out independent of the monthly newsletter GI-Mail.
  • Unique promotion of your programme, without any other ads.
  • Reach your chosen target group directly (doctors, hospitals, clinics, public facilities, sorted by states, cities, postal codes, etc.)
  • Selection of recipients out of the Going International database.
  • Select your recipients by country, language or interest.
  • Distribution at your chosen date.
  • Layout and design according to your wishes.
  • Get discounts for additional ads.
  • You will receive your GI-Promotion for approval before it is distributed.

Base price for GI-Promotion: EUR 1,350,- (base price for design and production) plus

  • EUR 40,- per 100 email addresses of individuals
  • EUR 120,- per 100 email addresses of institutions with several contact persons
  • EUR 40,- per institution including a personal phone call of a Going International employee to ask for the GI-Promotion to be forwarded internally

The mailings of Going International meet all the requirements of professional mailing services. All our mailings are designed to be compatible with all internet browsers and are W3C certified, so they will not be filtered as spam.


Your Standard Ad in the GI-Mail


GI-Mail is sent out monthly to 32,000 subscribers interested in higher education in »medicine & health«.

With GI-Mail you can promote your event or vacancy efficiently, as your logo and your short text are highly visible in the newsletter. A detailed article of any length with pictures and download opportunities will be presented on our blogsite. Our customer service will guide you through design and promotion possibilities of your event


  • The German newsletter reaches 18,000 recipients in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Price per ad: EUR 500,-.
  • The English newsletter reaches 14,000 recipients in the European Union and worldwide. Price per ad: EUR 400,-.
  • You will receive GI-Mail for approval before it is distributed
  • Get a discount for your second Standard Ad - please contact our customer service for more information!


Your Standard Ad at a glance:

  • Leadtext, 4-5 sentences; date, venue, brief description
  • Logo (width ca.150 px)
  • Detailed text on our blogsite
  • More pictures, PDF, links are optional (on our blogsite)
  • Price: EUR 500,- (German edition) or EUR 400,- (English edition)


The mailings of Going International meet all the requirements of professional mailing services. All our mailings are designed to be compatible with all internet browsers and are W3C certified, so they will not be filtered as spam.


Your Quick Tip in the GI-Mail


GI-Mail is sent out monthly to 32,000 subscribers interested in higher education in »medicine & health«.

  • With a "Quick Tip" in GI-Mail you can promote the most important data of your event.
  • Title, date and venue of your event are published in the section „Quick Tips“ in GI-Mail
  • Add a link to your website.
  • You will receive a sample copy for approval before the GI-Mail is distributed
  • Price per "Quick Tip" in the German newsletter: EUR 190,-
  • Price per "Quick Tip" in the English newsletter: EUR 150,-
  • Book three or more "Quick Tips" and benefit from a discount!
  • Course or congress organizers who publish their events in the educational database "medicine & health" only pay EUR 150,- per "Quick Tip"!


Your "Quick Tip" in GI-Mail at a glance:

  • Title of the event
  • Date, venue
  • Link to your website?
  • Price: EUR 190,- (German edition) or EUR 150,- (English edition)


The mailings of Going International meet all the requirements of professional mailing services. All our mailings are designed to be compatible with all internet browsers and are W3C certified, so they will not be filtered as spam.


Your Job Advertisement in the Job Newsletter


The Job Newsletter is a GI-Mail supplement and reaches 32,000 recipients worldwide. It is distributed with the German and the English GI-Mail.

  • Present your vacancy prominently in the Job newsletter.
  • Each vacancy will be presented on the GI homepage (you can also add PDF files).
  • Price per ad: EUR 190,-.
  • Get discounts for additional ads.
  • You will receive a sample copy for approval before the newsletter is distributed.


Your Job Advertisement at a glance:

  • General information (specialty, location)
  • Detailed information
  • Optional: pictures, PDF, link to your website?
  • The Job newsletter is sent out together with GI-Mail.
  • Price per ad: EUR 190,-.


The mailings of Going International meet all the requirements of professional mailing services. All our mailings are designed to be compatible with all internet browsers and are W3C certified, so they will not be filtered as spam.

For more information, please contact us:
Tel.: +43-1-798 25 27, Fax: +43-1-798 25 27-11, E-Mail:
All prices are quoted exclusive of 20% VAT (and 5% statutory advertising tax for ads). All prices indicated are payable without any deductions immediately upon receipt of the invoice. In case of delays in payment, 4% interest and collection costs shall be paid. The Terms and Conditions of Going International that are accessible on our website at and the Allgemeinen Anzeigenbedingungen des Österreichischen Zeitschriftenverbands (General Advertising Terms and Conditions of the Austrian Periodical Publishers Association), published in the Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung (official gazette) on 26 January 1980, shall apply. Place of performance and jurisdiction is Vienna, Austria.


AGEM - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnologie und MedizinSwiss Tropical and Public Health InstituteEuropean Health Forum GasteinÖsterreichische Akademie der ÄrzteÖsterreichische Gesellschaft für Public HealthnewTreeHilfswerk AustriaHelix - Forschung & Beratung Wien