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GRIT for Women in Medicine: Growth, Resilience, Inspiration and Tenacity 2021

Evvnt Promotion / evvnt
16.09.2021 - 18.09.2021  The Broadmoor, 1 Lake Avenue, 80906 Colorado Springs, USA
Time: 08:00 - 17:00
Conference themes
This course will empower women and men in medicine with the skills and resources to remove barriers and bias of women in leadership positions specific to the challenges in healthcare. Leaders in business and healthcare will present evidence-based strategies to promote professional development and enhance personal well-being. Nationally, there is large number of female clinicians reporting burnout which has a potential effect on patient experience, compliance and outcomes.
Professional congress organizer (PCO)
Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development
Speakers: Anjali Bhagra, M.D. and Susan Moeschler, M.D.

Enquiries and Registration:
Ms. Cathy Schilling
General Medicine
Congress fees
General Session LIVE: USD 1125.0, General Session Livestream: USD 999.0
Participants expected
Organizer contact info
83 Great Titchfield Street
W1W 6RH London
United Kingdom
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