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Solid Tumors Therapeutics (EUSTM-2021) | 8th Annual Congress of the European Society for Translational Medicine

European Society for Translational Medicine (EUSTM)
20.09.2021 - 26.09.2021  Virtual/Online
Conference themes
Congress Themes & Tracks

Solid Tumors: Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Solid Tumors: Genetic Testing & Biomarkers
Solid Tumors: Immuno-Oncology
Colorectal Cancer (CRC)
Small & Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Latest guidelines & recommendations

Advanced Breast Cancer
Rare & Pediatric Cancer
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
Central Nervous System (CNS) Cancers
Skin Cancer
Clinical Case Reports
Learning objectives, training objectives
This Virtual Congress will focus on current challenges, highlight novel solutions and identify critical hurdles as they apply to solid tumors.
Target Audience
The congress will be attended by the health care pforessioanls (HCPs) actively involved in managing solid tumors, such as Medical Oncologists, Pathologists, Oncology Radiologists, Surgeons, Clinical Investigators and others.

Enquiries and Registration:

Registration is on first come, first serve basis and strictly up-to 3000 delegates ONLY.
Ms. Mag. Sandra Oberhuber
Anaesthesia, Anatomy, Blood Group Serology and Transfusion medicine , Bone and Joint Surgery, Child and Adolescent Medicine, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Surgery, Clinical Research, Complementary Medicine, Critial Care, Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dermatology, Development Cooperation - Advanced Training, Development Cooperation - Special Topics and Health, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, Emergency Medicine Austria, Emergency Medicine Germany, Emergency Medicine International, Emergency Medicine Switzerland, Epidemiology and Disease Control, Evidence-Based Health Care, Evidence-Based Medicine, Family Planning and Gender, Forensic Medicine, General Medicine, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Health Professions Education, Health Promotion, Health Systems, Heart Surgery, Histology and Embryology, Hospital Management and Organisation, Hygiene and Microbiology, Imaging, Immunology, Immunology and Pathology, Internal Medicine, Life Sciences, Lung Diseases, Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics, Medical Biophysics, Medical Exercise Physiology, Medical Genetics, Medicina del Lavoro, Mental Health, Microbiologically-Serological Laboratory Diagnosis, Neurobiology, Neurology, Neuropathology, Neurosurgery, Nuclear Medicine, Nutrition, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Ophthalmology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Paediatrics, Pain Management, Palliative Care, Pathology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Physical Medicine and General Rehalbilitation, Physiology, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Population Studies, Psychiatry, Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine, Public Health, Public Health Research, Radiology, Rehabilitation, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Skin and Venereal Diseases, Social Medicine, Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Surgery, Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Thoracic Surgery, Trauma Surgery, Travel Medicine, Tropical Medicine and Infectiology, Tumor Biology, Urology, Virology
Participants expected
Organizer contact info
Schwindgasse 4/7
1040 Vienna
"Going International promotes access to education and training for all regardless of social, geographic and national borders."

Centro per la Formazione Permanente e l'Aggiornamento del Personale del Servizio SanitarioÖsterreichische Akademie der ÄrzteHilfswerk AustriaEuropean Public Health Association (EUPHA)Anästhesie in Entwicklungsländern e. V.Ärztekammer für WienAGEM - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnologie und MedizinCharité International Academy