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Public Health Anthropology

Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg Universitätsklinikum / Institut für Global Health
22.01.2024 - 02.02.2024  Im Neuenheimer Feld 365, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Course Content
Cultural ideas and practices relevant to health and disease; Overview of medical systems as cultural systems; Explanatory models and health seeking behaviour; Defining a PHA research question and the appropriate methods; Overview of tools used for data collection; Preparing and conducting in-depth interview; Methods and procedures for qualitative data analysis; Case studies: Malaria control, HIV/AIDS, community empowerment, chronic and lifestyles diseases and cultural factors in doctor patient
Target Audience
Public health practitioners, medical doctors, nurses, policy makers, programme/project planners, managers, paramedical staff, social scientists, educators
English proficiency
University of Heidelberg; tropEd
Local Organizer
Short Courses in International Health Programme
Registration deadline: none - first come, first serve; please keep in mind the time you need for travel and visa arrangements.

Enquiries and Registration:
Ms. Anne-Kathrin Fabricius
Development Cooperation - Advanced Training, Development Cooperation - Ethnology, Development Cooperation - Special Topics and Health, Health Systems, Public Health, Public Health Research
Type of degree
Certificate of completion
Education form
Full Time
14 Days
Credit Points
3 ECTS - Points
EUR 1.500,00
"Going International promotes access to education and training for all regardless of social, geographic and national borders."

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