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3rd Congress on Controversies in Thrombosis and Hemostasis (CiTH)

20.10.2016 - 22.10.2016  Holiday Inn Sokolniky, 24 Rusakovskaya St., 107014 Moscow, Russia
Time: 6:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Conference themes
The 3rd edition of CiTH will continue to deal with controversial issues in the field, in the format of debates and discussions allowing ample time for speaker-participant interaction. By attending the congress participants will have the opportunity to attend two congresses in one, as the 2016 CiTH Congress will be held jointly with the 8th Russian Conference on Clinical Hemostasis and Hemorheology ( All sessions will be simultaneously translated from/to Russian and English.
Scientific Society
Evvnt Promotion / evvnt

Enquiries and Registration:

Physicians and Scientists-Early fee: 430 Physicians and Scientists-Late fee: 490 Physicians and Scientists-Last minute fee: 540 Nurses, Students, Residents-Early fee: 190 Nurses, Students, Residents-Last fee: 230 Nurses, Students, Residents-270
Ms. Ilana Rabinoff Sofer
General Medicine
Congress fees
EUR 540,00
Organizer contact info
83 Great Titchfield Street
W1W 6RH London
United Kingdom
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