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CellMAT 2016 - Cellular Materials

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V.
07.12.2016 - 09.12.2016  WYNDHAM GARDEN, Wilhelm-Franke-Straße 90, D-01219 Dresden, Germany
Conference themes
The activities in the development, manufacture and application of cellular materials are steadily growing.Meanwhile, R&D of cellular materials constitutes a discrete but well-connected research field of materials science and engineering. In the same manner as other materials, it is expected to be a driver of innovations and novel or better products.

The 4th CellMAT conference will cover all aspects of manufacturing, modification, joining, property analysis and modelling of cellular materials.
Professional congress organizer (PCO)

Enquiries and Registration:

Ms. Petra von der Bey
Evidence-Based Medicine
Congress fees
On request
Organizer contact info
Marie-Curie-Straße 11 - 17
53757 Sankt Augustin
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