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British Society for Heart Failure 9th Heart Failure Day for Revalidation and Training

British Society for Heart Failure (BSH)
02.03.2017  Regent’s University London, Inner Circle, London NW1 4NS, United Kingdom
Conference themes
This training day has been designed to meet the educational needs of the heart failure component of the core curriculum in cardiovascular medicine, as well as the needs for advanced training in heart failure and revalidation. It will provide an in-depth discussion around particularly challenging and often controversial management issues that will be relevant to consultants and trainees in cardiology, internal medicine, care of the elderly specialists and GPsi in heart failure.
Target Audience
Consultant, staff grade & associate specialist doctors; general practitioners; training grades

Enquiries and Registration:

Ms. Stephanie Edwards
General Medicine, Heart Surgery, Internal Medicine
Congress fees
GBP 60,00
Participants expected
Organizer contact info
Nought The Farthings
OX13 6QD Marcham
United Kingdom
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