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First MWS International Educational Symposium – Skin Cancer Update 2017

Melanoma World Society (MWS)
03.03.2017 - 04.03.2017  The Rotunda, 69 Victoria St, Camps Bay, 8001 Cape Town, South Africa
Conference themes
The First MWS International Educational Symposium – Skin Cancer Update 2017 is the first of a series of educational meetings organized under the auspices of the Melanoma World Society.

International and national key opinion leaders on skin cancer will be invited to give an overview throughout specified presentations, to present latest clinical trial results, and to discuss on exciting new drugs, technologies and methods of treatment with the audience.
Professional congress organizer (PCO)
MedConcept GmbH / Projektmanagement

Enquiries and Registration:

Mr. Christopher Huhn
Dermatology, Pathology, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Skin and Venereal Diseases
Organizer contact info
Friedenstr. 58
15366 Neuenhagen bei Berlin
"Going International promotes access to education and training for all regardless of social, geographic and national borders."

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