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BSc Intercalated Degree in International Health

University of Leeds / Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development
Beginn September 2024 - End September 2025  Worsley Building, Clarendon Way, LS2 9DA Leeds, United Kingdom
Course Content
The Intercalated BSc in International Health is an intercalated full-time course designed for UK medical students committed to international health. The degree provides students with opportunities to explore issues of global health, healthcare delivery and health policy. Students develop the critical and analytical skills to assess, implement and evaluate health and healthcare interventions in their future medical careers.
Typical postgraduate careers and job opportunities
A number of our students go on to publish their research results or present at conferences, and many intercalating students find success on this programme helps them attain the foundation job of their choice.
A minimum of two years of a medical or dental degree, preferably three.
Higher Education Authority
Local Organizer
Univerity of Leeds
The personal statement should provide evidence of the following: curricular and extra-curricular engagement with international health; awareness of health care system issues; awareness of wider health system issues in international health.

Enquiries and Registration:

All Leeds medical/dental students wishing to intercalate at Leeds University must complete the online application form.
Health Promotion, Health Services, Health Systems, Public Health, Public Health Research
Type of degree
Education form
Full Time
12 Months
On request
Organizer contact info
Clarendon Way
LS2 9DA Leeds
United Kingdom