17th November 2025 - 18th November 2025; Istanbul, Turkey
Fertility and Gynecology Conference (Webinar) focus on cutting edge program of eminent international experts, with a wide range of concurrent sessions focusing on specialized areas in fertility, gynecology and reproductive biology. PFGC 2025 will bring together basic gynecology with emerging fundamental fertility and reproduction knowledge, and a multi-disciplinary team of leading experts in womens health, reproduction, endocrinology and pathology as well as experts from different areas.
Obstetrics and Gynecology; Fertility and Infertility; Reproductive Health and Medicine; PCOS; Fertility Surgery and IVF Treatment; Pregnancy and Child Birth; Maternal - Fetal Medicine; Gynecologic Oncology and Endocrinology; Reproductive Technology
Obstetrician, Gynecologists, Andrologists, IVF Professionals, Endocrinologists, Embryologists, Gynecological Pathologists, Gynecological Oncologists, Pharmacotherapists, Endoscopic Surgeons
All the participants are provided with certificates. Members can be part of the Best Presenter / Best Young Researcher / Best Poster Awards
Lexy Jackson, E-Mail: info@plenareno.net