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Basic Biostatistics (B106.20.22)

Universität Zürich

22nd to 30th August 2022

University of Bern, ISPM, 3012 Bern, Schweiz

Course Content
  • Quantities of descriptive statistics and the fundamentals of statistical inference
  • Uncertainty due to randomness
  • 95% confidence intervals
  • Calculating and transforming probability statements
  • The interpretation of a p-value
Target Audience

required are: - «Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs» (B101.20) - «Konzepte, Methoden und Anwendungen der deskriptiven und analytischen Epidemiologie» (B102.30)

Type of degree
Certificate of attendance, MPH, Certificate of completion
Education form
Full Time

CHF 2.100,00

Enquiries and Registration

Manfred Müller, E-Mail:

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