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Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Global Health

KIT (Royal Tropical Institute)

17th to 28th June 2024
KIT Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Course Content

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a powerful tool for planning and assessment of health interventions and is increasingly recognized as an essential tool in disease control.

Target Audience

The course is intended for programme officers, data-managers working in disease control, researchers and students in the field of public health/epidemiology.


Required: Fluency in English and general computer skills Recommended: Basic understanding of data analysis


tropEd accredited

Type of degree
Certificate of attendance, Certificate of completion
Education form
Full Time

EUR 2.270,00
EUR 1.800 (if payment is made before 17 March 2024) EUR 2.270 (normal course fee) EUR 1.760 (tropEd fee)

Enquiries and Registration

Meta Willems, E-Mail:

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