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Strategic Project Management

SSPH+ Lugano Summer School in Public Health Policy, Economics, and Management

18.08.2025 - 20.08.2025; Universtità della Svizzera italiana, Est Campus, Via La Santa 1, 6962 Lugano, Switzerland

Course Content

Why do so many projects fail? Why do so many others fail to produce lasting results? Why do so many projects suffer from cost and time overruns? How can organizations identify and design high-leverage policies to improve project performance? This course introduces participants to the basic principles, methods, and tools for project management in a realistic context, allowing them to improve their ability to manage complex projects.

Learning objectives, training objectives

- Understand the theory underlying the methods and tools of project management 

- Be able to apply Project Management methods and tools in real cases, and understand their limitations 

* More learning objectives on the course webpage

Target Audience

Practitioners, researchers, and graduate students


Course Facilitators: Prof. Paulo Gonçalves & Mariya Andreeva (USI - Università della Svizzera italiana)

Type of degree
Certificate of completion

For information about fees and available discounts, please visit our website:

Enquiries and Registration

Emilia Campello, E-Mail:

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