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The Difficult Airway Course: Anesthesia

Airway Management Education Center

20th to 22nd October 2023
Grand Hyatt Washington, 1000 H Street NW, 20001 Washington, D.C., USA

Course Content

This advanced, evidence-based advances skills in: when & how to use awake intubation in the difficult airway; how to identify & successfully manage the failed airway - with an emphasis on open cricothyrotomy; when & how to use airway exchange catheters to facilitate safe extubation; new techniques for team leadership & managing human factors in an airway-related crisis. All brought together working through Code Airway simulations - hands-on management of challenging scenarios!

Learning objectives, training objectives

Course created & continuously updated by practicing international experts in Anesthesiology, Airway Management & Human Factors. It is designed to advance the skills of even the most experienced providers. Lung Separation Workshop also available.

Target Audience

Anesthesia-trained healthcare providers including Anesthesiologists, Nurse Anesthetists and Anesthesiologist Assistants.


See for up-to-date CME Accreditation Information.

Type of degree
Certificate of completion

USD 1.600,00
Discounts Available, please visit for details.

Enquiries and Registration

Daphne Rosenbaum, E-Mail:

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