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The Difficult Airway Course: Critical Care

Airway Management Education Center

02.05.2025 - 04.05.2025; Hyatt Regency Boston, One Avenue de Lafayette, 02111 Boston, USA

Course Content

Advanced course for providers responsible for emergency airway management of acute inpatients. Our world-class, multi-specialty faculty of airway experts, focuses exclusively on the airway challenges posed by critically ill inpatients. Emphasizing airway assessment and decision-making, the course equips participants to manage any airway situation they encounter - and to do so with great confidence. Reinforce learning in Code Airway simulations - hands-on management of challenging scenarios.

Learning objectives, training objectives

Preparation for challenging acute inpatient scenarios, including: 

- Upper airway obstruction 

- Airway management in massively obese patients 

- Tracheostomy issues 

- Bleeding, traumatized & vomit-filled airway 

- Unstable patient who self-extubates

Target Audience

Providers who care for acutely ill in-patients, including Critical Care Specialists, Intensivists, Hospitalists, Respiratory Therapists and Critical Care Transport providers.


See for up-to-date CME Accreditation Information

Type of degree
Certificate of attendance

USD 1.950,00
Gold Tuition (Physician Assistants, Advanced Practice Nurses, Nurses & Respiratory Therapists): $1,650 USD 

Silver Tuition (Residents, Fellows): $1,450 USD

Enquiries and Registration

Daphne Rosenbaum, E-Mail:

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