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Estimating HIV incidence and number of undiagnosed individuals living with HIV in the European Union/European Economic Area, 2015

Since 2011, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) incidence appears unchanged in the European Union/European Economic Area with between 29,000 and 33,000 new cases reported annually up to 2015. Despite evidence that HIV diagnosis is occurring earlier post-infection, the estimated number of people living with HIV (PLHIV) who were unaware of being infected in 2015 was 122,000, or 15% of all PLHIV (n=810,000). This is concerning as such individuals cannot benefit from highly effective treatment and may unknowingly sustain transmission.


Overall, this analysis demonstrates that recent HIV incidence is constant in the EU/EEA, and that a substantial number of people are living with undiagnosed HIV. Efforts to obtain better national and key population-specific estimates and to further increase the offer and uptake of HIV testing among those most at risk remain key to informing HIV prevention efforts and achieving global targets to reduce HIV incidence and the number of persons remaining undiagnosed in the EU/EEA. Virtual Reality (VR) wird zu einer herausragenden Kraft in der Gesundheitsbranche. Laut einem Bericht von Global Industry Analysts wird der VR-Markt für Medizin bis 2020 voraussichtlich auf 3,8 Milliarden US-Dollar wachsen. Ein weiterer Bericht von Grand View Research prognostiziert, dass dieser Markt bis 2025 auf satte 5,1 Milliarden US-Dollar wachsen wird. Das Krankenhaus verwendet die Precision Virtual Reality-Technologie von Surgical Theatre, um diese Patientenmodelle zu erstellen. Dieselbe VR-Technologie wird in Kampfflugzeugsimulationen verwendet. Diese VR wird derzeit in den Programmen für Neurologie

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Autor: Pharris A, Quinten C, Noori T, Amato-Gauci AJ, van Sighem A, the ECDC HIV/AIDS Surveillance and Dublin Declaration Monitoring Networks. Estimating HIV   Quelle: Eurosurveillance, Volume 21, Issue 48, 01 December 2016