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Logo Going International

Scientific Reporting and Writing

UMIT TIROL - University for Health Sciences and Technology / Institute of Public Health, Medical Decision Making and Health Technology Assessment
05.12.2024 - 07.12.2024  UMIT TIROL, Eduard-Wallnoefer-Center 1, 6060 Hall in Tirol, Austria
Contenido de curso
Participants will be invited to submit and work on their own abstracts in preparation for the course and receive personalized feedback and advice from fellow peers and course faculty. During the course, interactive lectures, including one by a journal editor, will provide an overview of general topics of concern to non-native scientists and personalized manuscript-centered tutoring sessions will offer an opportunity to focus on individual areas of potential improvement.
This is an introductory course, there are no pre-requisites. Course language is English.
Certificates of Completion will be provided to all participants after the course.
Organizador local
UMIT TIROL - Private University for Health Sciences and Technology

Información e inscripción:

Mr. Univ. Prof. Dr. Uwe Siebert
Investigación en salud pública, Salud Pública
Tipo de título
Certificado de asistencia, Certificado de conclusión
3 Días
Sobre pedido
(We offer discounts for group registration (- 15%) and for students and alumnis (- 20%))
Cantacto organizador
Eduard-Wallnoefer-Center 1
6060 Hall in Tirol
Aspher University