versión imprimible

Introduction to Epidemiology and Study Designs (B101.20.25)

Universität Zürich

15.05.2025 - 19.05.2025; Universität Bern, ISPM, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

contenido de curso

- Basic terms in demography (sex and age structure of the population, birth and death rates, life expectancy and infant mortality) 

- Study designs we cover: Cross-sectional, cohort and case-control studies, intervention studies and diagnostic accuracy studies 

- Basic quantities in epidemiology: Prevalence, incidence rates (crude and age-adjusted), risk ratio, risk difference, number needed to treat, odds ratio, sensitivity, specificity

objetivos de formación

Basic terms in demography (sex and age structure of the population, birth and death rates, life expectancy and infant mortality) read more:

Tipo de título
Certificado de asistencia, MPH, Certificado de conclusión
Método edicativo
Tiempo completo

CHF 1.100,00

Información e inscripción

Manfred Müller, E-Mail:

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