Best time of day to play online casino

Online casino fans know this: there is a certain time of day to win big! Indeed, depending on the schedule, attendance peaks can vary from single to double, which encourages slot machines to give out jackpots. But there are also other criteria that should be taken into account in order to improve your strategy and win the jackpot. In short, here are some tips you need to know to maximize your profits! Read about the best UK bingo sites not available on Gamstop in 2023 on this website.

The best hours of the day

Just like traditional casinos, online casinos experience peak hours. Except that unlike a land-based casino, they are open 24/7, which increases the level of attendance. So obviously you'll have to go to the trusted addresses to find the best deals. And for this, it is enough to view the entire list on this specialized website. When it comes to the big win schedule, here's what to keep in mind!

Peak hours

To maximize your winnings when playing online casinos, you have to wait for the slot machines to fill up! Since they've been used all day, you'll have a better chance of winning big after 10pm. Indeed, you should know that in France, the peak of traffic starts at 17:00 and then resumes between 20:00 and 22:00. On the other hand, from 2 am to 6 am, attendance is at its lowest!

Resetting the machine

You should also know that slot machines are completely reset once a month. This is a reset that resets the counters to zero and allows for updates. So, obviously, to have an even better chance of winning, it's best to play at an online casino right before the slot reloads at the end of the month. 

The most interesting days of the week

Even if online casinos work all week without interruption, the most interesting attendance remains on weekends! Additionally, some venues ban certain games during the week. On the other hand, since Friday evening we have seen record attendance! In addition, you can take advantage of many offers to be able to maximize your earnings. Again, if you want to adopt a strategy to hit the jackpot, this is a criterion to consider in order to win big!

What about the seasons?

In winter, everyone sits quietly at home and follows their daily business. Therefore, to cheer up this low season, establishments usually offer popular bonuses, such as "Christmas" versions. But if you really want to hit the jackpot, then you need to do it in the summer season for several reasons!

  • At this time of the year, many people are on vacation and enjoying themselves on online gaming platforms, which increases the level of traffic.
  • Players want to relax and spend their money filling the slots!
  • Progressive jackpots are much bigger on days after public holidays!

All that remains is to create your own online casino game strategy and win the jackpot!

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