The future of bingo, between sociability and innovation

The game of bingo has a very distant origin, and its first version appeared in the United States, more precisely in Georgia, in 1929. It comes from a game very similar to bingo and the name comes from the Anglo-Saxon word for "bob" , which means "beans" because of the dried beans used to cover the numbers drawn on the card. The player who was the first to cover all the numbers on the card with dried beans exclaimed "Bino!" During the draw, to announce the win of the post, the player instead of "Bino" called out "Bingo", and that is how the name that is still used all over the world was born and spread.

It is a game of chance that is characterized by the fact that its component is (strongly) related to entertainment, communication and the exchange of gaming experience with other people, and has rules very similar to those of bingo, even if they have some differences. The first is the type of prizes: while in bingo the prize is only awarded to those who win five or one bingo, in tombola prizes are also awarded to players who make both triples and fours, thus using smaller combinations. numbers. It is important to remember the origins of bingo, as it allows us to highlight the ancient roots of the game and the cultural component that characterizes it, based on the pleasant pastime and communication. Find out how Bingo becomes a digital game here:

In the UK, control over the game of bingo with cash prizes is vested in the state, which has exercised it since 2000 through the Customs and Monopolies Agency. . Bingo can be played in real halls or online, and in both forms it is a game experience very close to bingo. The sociability component, a predominant feature of the old bingo, again offers itself as a central value of the bingo experience, which in the case of physical bingo can also be associated with the consumption of drinks and food. Over time, technology has fueled the development of bingo both in the physical and online channel by defining new gaming experiences.

The impact of the pandemic on the game of bingo has been clear, physical play has been hit hard due to extended closures in 2020 and 2021. Online bingo has been rewarded for its features over the past year and a half. promote socialization and entertainment for a long time at home. Online bingo spending rose 58 percent from 2020 to 2019, with December being a particularly strong month. Most likely, the old tombola (made at home with friends) was replaced by online games between the curfew and the inability to see friends and relatives. Overall, playing online bingo has grown more than casino games. The total cost of spending in the first six months of 2021 confirms the upward trend, with an increase of approximately 33 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.
The recent success of online bingo has been attributed to various factors only partly related to the pandemic, and in particular the activation of new formulas that have made the product diversified and more flexible with regard to customer needs. Bingo is a rewarding game that requires a lot of concurrent players (game liquidity) to get attractive prizes and chat animations. Online casinos, valid licenses in the gaming world, what they find out on this web page.
The introduction of new bingo formulas that create multiple and modern gaming experiences actually requires careful planning, tailored based on customer needs and scheme liquidity. Another important element is the presence of a "social" dimension (chat) in the game itself. Obviously, over the past few years, social networks have become widespread among all age groups of the population, and the presence of "social" elements such as chat enhances and enhances the game itself.
Chat is a tool that allows you to improve relationships with the client and, as far as possible, diversify the gameplay by offering various forms of entertainment. Over time, chats have become extremely important in the distribution of content for entertainment, gamification and social interaction between players.
The bingo player is also provided with an extensive gaming experience based on being able to play other games in the same environment.
