Texas Measles Outbreak Hits 22 Children and 2 Adults
Measles Outbreak in South Plains, Texas Sparks National Health Concerns
At least 24 cases of measles have been reported in an outbreak in Gaines County, Texas, state officials said, warning that more cases of the highly contagious disease are likely to surface. None of the infected people in the community, about 90 miles southwest of Lubbock, Texas, and near the New Mexico state line, had been vaccinated, the Texas Department of State Health Services said in an alert on 11 February. Twenty-two were children and two were adults.
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Nutrition International celebrates United Kingdom’s new flour fortification legislation
Communication About Harm Reduction With Patients Who Have Opioid Use Disorder
When Humans and AI work best together — and when each is better alone
AI and Human Collaboration: Unlocking Potential in Content Creation
Artificial intelligence is often said to be a seamless partnership with humans, boosting productivity and innovation. But research from MIT shows that combining humans and AI does not always lead to better results.
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Novartis must face claims it paid kickbacks to promote MS drug, US appeals court rules
A U.S. appeals court on Friday revived a whistleblower lawsuit accusing Swiss drugmaker Novartis of paying illegal kickbacks to doctors to induce them to promote its blockbuster multiple sclerosis drug Gilenya.
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Il virus dell'influenza aviaria mostra mutazioni nel primo caso umano grave negli Stati Uniti, dice il CDC
I Centri statunitensi per il controllo e la prevenzione delle malattie hanno dichiarato giovedì che l'analisi dei campioni del primo caso grave di influenza aviaria verificatosi nel Paese la scorsa settimana ha mostrato mutazioni non riscontrate in campioni provenienti da un gregge da cortile infetto nella proprietà del paziente.
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Three Ways Forward in a Post Covid-19 World
There are three important ways forward in addressing the pandemic and its impacts on health and wellbeing in the years to come.
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Gender-sensitive Workplace Health Promotion: Why It Is Important and How It Can Be Implemented in Practice
Sex and gender are important determinants of health, but we often lack criteria for effective gender-sensitive work place health promotion. A team at the Austrian Health Promotion Fund are working to overcome these challenges. They have developed 17 criteria and a 62-point checklist for workplace health promotion initiatives.
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COVID-19: the worst may be yet to come
As much of western Europe begins to ease countrywide lockdowns, globally the pandemic may still be in its infancy, with more than 160 000 new cases reported each day since June 25. Individual countries count cases differently, so direct comparisons are difficult, but the numbers illustrate a worrying pattern. At a subnational level the picture is nuanced, with local hotspots, but at a country level the picture is clear—the world is facing a worsening multipolar pandemic.
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Medicine shortages in the EU: causes and solutions
Find out why there is a shortage of medicines, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and how Parliament wants to improve the situation
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Coronavirus Makes Inequality a Public Health Issue
“It may seem like a ridiculous idea but the only way to fight the plague is with decency.” – Dr Rieux in Albert Camus’s 1947 novel, The Plague.
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Study finds functional medicine model is associated with improvements in health-related QOL
In the first retrospective cohort study of the functional medicine model, Cleveland Clinic researchers found that functional medicine was associated with improvements in health-related quality of life. The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open.
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NHS treating 5,000 diabetics a day as one in 10 patients now suffer with illness, figures reveal
Hospitals are being deluged by 5,000 type 2 diabetics a day, new figures reveal as one in 10 patients are now suffering from a form of the illness linked to being overweight and inactive.
More than 1.7million people with type 2 diabetes were admitted to hospitals last year, costing the NHS an estimated £22million a day.
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A ‘Cure’ for Ebola but Will it Stop the Outbreak if People Won’t Get Treatment?
While people in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are slowly being made aware that scientists have discovered two drugs that are effective in treating Ebola, letting go of the fear and anxiety that has prevailed across the country this year will require more work.
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Civilians ‘continue to pay highest price’ in Ukraine conflict, with peace prospects losing ‘momentum’
“Civilians continue to pay the highest price” arising from Ukraine’s on-going conflict with separatist rebels in the east, the UN Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator told the Security Council on Tuesday, a conflict which is still claiming lives.
Why Doctors Hate Their Computers
Digitization promises to make medical care easier and more efficient. But are screens coming between doctors and patients?
On a sunny afternoon in May, 2015, I joined a dozen other surgeons at a downtown Boston office building to begin sixteen hours of mandatory computer training.
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Incident Management System
To enhance World Health Organisations Emergency Programme (WHE) response capability,
To enhance World Health Organisations Emergency Programme (WHE) response capability, WHE proposed the development of a series of training packages to build staff competencies, skills and knowledge, to enhance deployment and response capability.
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MARIJUANA: The Latest Scientific Findings and Legalization
California, Massachusetts, Maine, and Nevada became the latest states to legalize recreational marijuana, bringing to 28 the number of states that have okayed the drug for medicinal use, recreational use, or both ...
What do we know about the health impacts of marijuana, and what do we still need to learn?
Estimating HIV incidence and number of undiagnosed individuals living with HIV in the European Union/European Economic Area, 2015
Since 2011, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) incidence appears unchanged in the European Union/European Economic Area with between 29,000 and 33,000 new cases reported annually up to 2015.
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Typhoid Fever: A Race Against Time
Salmonella uses immune cells, the Biozentrum of the University of Basel
The life-threatening disease typhoid fever results from the ongoing battle between the bacterial pathogen Salmonella and the immune cells of the body. Prof. Dirk Bumann's research group at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel has now uncovered how the typhoid pathogen repeatedly manages to evade the host's immune system. Their findings are published in the scientific journal Cell Host & Microbe
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