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AMP Europe - The Amputation Prevention Symposium

GTGL Global Events Ltd.
30.09.2024 - 02.10.2024  Stadhouderskade 12, 1054 ES Amsterdam, Netherlands
Data limite per la applicazione:September 27th 2024
Temi della conferenza
The Amputation Prevention Symposium (AMP) Europe looks forward to its 6th Annual Meeting. CLTI Fighters from across the globe—interventional cardiologists, interventional radiologists, vascular surgeons, and the entire limb salvage team—will come together to connect with world-renowned CLTI experts and gain knowledge on the latest advances in revascularization.
Obiettivi didattici, obiettivi del training
An excellent forum to connect clinicians with the foremost experts in CLTI to gain knowledge and learn from one another. The program will deliver abundant insight and practical perspective on CLTI advances in Europe and other regions of the world.
Pubblico target
Interventional cardiologists, Interventional radiologists, Nurses, Technologists and Other allied health professionals, General surgeons, Vascular medicine specialists, podiatrists, wound care specialists, and vascular surgeons.

Informazioni ed Iscrizioni:

Physician/Fellow:850 EUR Nurse/Technologist:600 EUR Resident/Student:350 EUR Industry: 950 EUR
Ms. Chen Barkan
Cardiologia, Chirurgia, Cooperazione allo sviluppo - Corsi di perfezionamento, Cooperazione allo sviluppo - Temi speciali e salute, Didattica Medicina, Ortopedia e traumatologia, Ricerca clinica, Traumatologia
Quote del Congresso
EUR 850,00
(Regular rate ends 09/02/24, Late rate ends 27/09/24)
I partecipanti attesi
Contatto organizzatori
16 Tolkovski st
61501 Tel Aviv