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An information service provided by Going International | 03/2007

Dear Dr. Musterman,

In this issue you will find the following topics:
1. Course Tip: "Course on Health Care in Violent, Unstable Environments"
2. Congress Tip: "18th Wonca World Conference 2007"
3. Special of the month: "Services Overview"

Best regards,
Gerhard Polak, MD

P.S.: Our service "GI-Recommendation" enables you to recommend this edition of our newsletter directly to your friends and colleagues. Please use this link.

Course on Health Care in Violent, Unstable Environments

Organized by: Doctors with Africa Cuamm | Venue: Italy: Padova | Contents: The main features, flaws and strengths of the health sector, providing health care in violent contexts, political, economic and social context | Date: May 14th, 2007 - May 25th, 2007 | Fees: EUR 1.000,00 | Entry Requirements: Previous field experience | Target Audience: Health professionals, professionals holding decision-making positions in assistance or emergency programmes | Registration: Forte, Lucia, Tel.: +39/(0)49/875-1279, Fax: +39/ (0)49/875-4738,
E-mail: | Website:

TIP: 44 more courses dealing with “Oncology, Ophthalmology and Paediatrics” can be found in the new Course Catalogue "medicine & health 2007".
Order now!

18th Wonca World Conference 2007

Organizer: World Organisation of Family Doctors (WONCA), Wonca World Secretariat | Venue: Singapore, Singapore | Date: July 24th, 2007 - July 27th, 2007 |  Language: English | Contents: WONCA’s short name is World Organization of Family Doctors. The conference theme is "Genomics and Family Medicine" and brings you an assembly of renowned plenary speakers. Family Medicine covers the entire breadth of illnesses in human kind. What are the critical areas that we should focus on? | Registration: E-mail:,

Find the registration form here.

TIP: 23 more courses and conferences dealing with “Family Medicine” can be found in the new Course Catalogue "medicine & health 2007". Order now!

Services Overview

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