Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
In this issue you will find
the following topics:
1. Course Tip:"Research-training
in clinical and public health genomics"
2. Congress Tip: "World
Health Care Congress Europe"
3. Special of the month:
"The Gobal Initiative for Asthma (GINA)"
Best regards, Gerhard Polak,
P.S.: Our service
"GI-Recommendation" enables you to recommend this edition
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Organized by: Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (Nihes) |
Venue: Rotterdam, Netherlands |
Date: From
August 2009 | Language:
English | Fees: |
Content: Nihes provides a new, multidisciplinary research-training programme in
Clinical and Public Health Genomics.
To investigate the potential for genome-based applications in healthcare practice, researchers need to understand the full spectrum of genomic disciplines, which are covered in the programme: including molecular genetics, genetic epidemiology, clinical epidemiology, public health, health technology assessment, biostatistics, prevention and health behaviour research. The programme is tailored to students who wish to focus on genetics in clinical or public-health research. |
Audience: Bachelor graduates, Master graduates and health professionals |
Online applications for the 2009/10 academic year must be received before March 1, 2009: |
More information: Cecile Janssens,
TIP: 68 more courses and congresses
dealing with "Public Health" can be found
in the new course catalogue "medicine & health 2009".
Order now!
Or order the new thematic edition "Public Health"

Health Care Congress Europe 13-14 May 2009 Bedford Hotel & Congress Centre Brussels, Belgium

International Members Save 25% Use promotional
Code BCF536
Acknowledged as the leading
European forum on health care innovation,
The 5th Annual World Health Care
Congress Europe presents business cases, best practices
and strategies for addressing the pressure and current challenges
facing European health care - efficiency, economic stability,
access to care, quality care, patient safety, and patient
mobility within and across borders.
TIP: 36 more courses
and conferences dealing with "Health Services" can be found
in the new course catalogue "medicine & health 2009".
Order now! Or order the new thematic edition "Training & Education in Public Health"

The Gobal Initiative for Asthma (GINA)
URL: About GINA: The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) works with health care professionals and public health officials around the world to reduce asthma prevalence, morbidity, and mortality. Through resources such as evidence-based guidelines for asthma management, and events such as the annual celebration of World Asthma Day, GINA is working to improve the lives of people with asthma in every corner of the globe.
Content: Patient guides, child asthma, useful Asthma websites, reports, guidelines and
World Asthma Day